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September 7th, 2015

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Jason T

[Locked to Jason T]
[During this.]

Um, there's kind of a situation, and I don't think we need to do anything about it, but in case things get like super worse, I thought someone should know, and since I kind of cut you off, which logically means you're going to start worrying soon, you have been chosen. I think Peter and Flash are working on a plan for Ms. Carter, so I didn't want to distract them.

[info]pesadilla in [info]rooms

Jason T

[Because Kara said his name.]

[Locked to Jason T]
Uh, hi. Kara s-said you, uh, were a person I could contact about this--um, about all of this weird... stuff. [A pause that translates as a cursor blinking.] So, consider this... me... contacting you. Yeeep. Cool.

[info]foundling in [info]rooms

Neil D

[After seeing this.]

[Locked to Neil D]
We gotta talk.

[info]incharge in [info]rooms

quicklog, vegas hospital (ocean's eleven): neil & mere

[Neil wasn't drunk.

He was hungover, though. After parting ways with Sam he'd stopped off for a couple of bottles of whiskey and got himself a hotel room. Drank himself back into oblivion. All afternoon, all night, and in the morning he dumped the rest out and got some coffee. He showered twice. Brushed his teeth three times. But even with a change of clothes and his skin scrubbed raw the sickly sweet scent of booze clung, faintly, and his eyes were bloodshot, his face haggard. Stubble had started to show. But he knew he needed to see Mere regardless of how he looked, and despite his fear of taking care of her he did want to see her. Guilt roiled in his belly; he couldn't eat anything. He seemed to only be existing on liquids these days, and sleep? Sleep was passing out drunk, that was the only way he could manage it. He wondered if pills could, eventually, replace the booze when (if) he went back to A.A.

For now, he focused on putting one foot in front of the other. On going into the hospital without turning on heel and running the fuck away like the coward he was.

Up the elevator and down the hallways, Neil shuffled along until he found her room. Nobody stopped him, nobody said he couldn't go in, so he knocked lightly before pushing the door open.]

[info]misterenigma in [info]rooms


[Bruce W.]
[Delivered to Bruce after a particularly boring board meeting. A super cool toy.]


A seance is a good idea for a date, right?

[Donna C.]

I need help with something necromancy related. Won't you accompany me to Halloween Town?


You know, DC Comics don't sell in this Marvel Universe. No love for grit and darkness, it seems.