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March 6th, 2015

[info]flashofvenom in [info]rooms

spidey kids (mj/pete/gwen/flash) in silent hill quick log (violence/gore warning)

[The last time Flash remembered being really happy was the months leading up to his high school graduation. It wasn't that his life turned to shit after, no a job with the Thunderbolts and being trusted with one of the most dangerous aliens in the universe was an honor and a privilege. But, being an adult is responsibility. It's worrying about money, food, if you're good enough, if you've done enough. Being an adult is regret, guilt, pessimism and feeling small. Being a teenager? At least for Flash Thompson? Was happiness. He had confidence, he didn't live with his asshole dad anymore, he was going to graduate with the help of the best friend he'd ever have. High School was bliss, was a warm feeling around his shoulders. And, for disrespecting Silent Hill as much as he did, the town decided to just give it to him.

What looked like a rowdy high school hallway to him, was actually a complete nightmare. He was wandering around the old school house like a crazy person locked away in an insane asylum. He brofisted shambling monsters of sewn together flesh. He talked to people who weren't even there. The gun he had was still on his hip and his backpack of nearly depleted supplies was still on his back. The girl running this place must have really thought this was funny, because it let him walk around safely idiotic like this for hours.

Finally a bell rang. It was LOUD and SHRILL and it sounded like an alarm more than a school bell. Flash's clouded eyes looked up at it and he started walking to math class, which was just down the hall from him. He opened the creaking old door splattered with blood. The classroom looked like a monster had ripped through it. Blood on the walls, broken desks thrown around the room. Someone had written "LOOK INSIDE AND YOU WILL FIND" over and over and over again until there wasn't any room left. Flash saw math problems he didn't understand and he sighed as the teacher (a shambling corpse with long, thick nails and no face) started scraping at the chalkboard.]

[info]wants in [info]rooms

Peter P + Gwendy S, ETA: Harry O, Pepper P

[During this.]

[Locked to Peter P + Gwendy S]
What's going on with Flash? [...] Why is he acting like Harry?

ETA: [Locked to Harry O]

[Locked to Pepper P]
Ms. Potts, I need to let someone know, in case Peter and I end up as insane as our friends. We're going into the Silent Hill door to get Gwendolyn and Flash.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

[News: Gotham]

[A slew of thefts are reported in Gotham's Heights late Thursday.

Safes cracked, and papers that the families there say weren't very important at all. Oh, a few pieces of jewelry are missing here and there, but mostly just documents that no one's willing to be specific about. The funny thing? Come Friday, all of those Heights families withdraw their complaints. Calls to the Mayor's office are said to have been in error, and police reports are asked to be torn up. A mistake, all of the Heights families say. And by lunchtime? All of those families, to the last, have pulled substantial amounts out of their bank accounts and invested them in Falcone ventures around the city. Isn't that convenient?

As for who convinced Gotham's best families to fall into line? Well, everyone knows there's only one shade of green that could have pulled that off.]

[info]hauntedsoul in [info]rooms

narrative: graham is a sad man.

Who: Graham Ross (+ wish!Lorelei)
What: End of a wish.
Where: Tuxedo Park, Marvel.
When: Todayish.
Warnings/Rating: Sads.

Life had become hell. )

[info]perspective in [info]rooms

Email: Stephanie B

To: Stephanie Brown
From: Dr. Jonathan Crane
Re: Welcome to the team here at Arkham Asylum


I just wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you to the team here at Arkham Asylum. I'm sure we'll have a splendid professional relationship. And as I told you during your interview, if there's ever anything that I can do for you, please. Do not hesitate to ask.

I expect that you'll meet me in my office on Monday morning at 8am so that I may show you around.


Jonathan Crane

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

selina k., eddie n., jim g., iris m., jason t., penny r.

[locked to selina k. & eddie n.]

[Here, the cursor blinks for a while.] This probably won't come as a surprise, but I just wanted to let the two of you know that I'll be remaining as Mayor.

[locked to jim g.]

Detective Gordon. I was wondering if you might have time to meet.

[locked to iris m.]

I thought I'd check in, see how you're doing.

[locked to jason t.]

Do you have a moment, Jason?

[call to penny r.]

[Through official lines. From his office to her work number. Ring!]

[info]crazypants in [info]rooms

[News: Gatsby]

[Police arrive at the apartment building of one Aubrey Rois after receiving multiple phone calls of bottles of liquor being tossed off an apartment balcony by an unknown female. They clear the sidewalks of pedestrians but by the time they reach the apartment, no one (and no liquor) is found inside. Unable to reach Aubrey or locate the unknown female, they leave their names with the building manager, along with a request that he call them when he returns home.]