November 2015



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February 9th, 2015

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms

Public, Locks: Shane, Jack, Two Bats and a Cat


Making wishes is rough business!

[Shane A]

I'm going to Gotham City with Daisy for a night. Would it be alright if we kept staying with you and Graham when we got back?

I'm looking for a permanent solution, I can't go home anymore [...] I got evicted. That's only the second time I've said that out to anyone. [Deep breaths, Evie. Deep breaths.]

I don't think you'd pussyfoot around it if we had to go, but just - don't pussyfoot around it if we have to go, okay?

[Jack C]

How are you? I'm sorry I sassed at you. Are you staying warm enough?

[Max M]

Is Jack ok?

[Group Lock: Bruce W, Selina K, Jason T]

Hi guys, I don't know if you remember me. Evie Sablier? I'm a friend of Luke and Wren's?

I'm coming to Gotham to get seen at the East End Clinic, they treated an injury a bit ago that I want looked at again. [...] I couldn't pay last time, and I can't pay this time, I'm going to help them out answering phones the day of my appointment and the day after.

Can we stay over at your place, Mr. Wayne? Daisy and I? Just one night. I wouldn't be in the way, I can take the trains in and out of the city no problem.

And do you know anyone who might be willing to babysit? I'd take her with me, but I don't want her to catch a cold., or [...] herpes.

[info]foundling in [info]rooms

Sam A

[Because he can't help himself.]

[Locked to Sam A]
Hey, mami.

[info]notawarlock in [info]rooms


[Before responding to this. Anonymous.]

With this wish thing, anyone else have a really bad feeling about wishing for people you've lost to come back?

Anyone else still tempted to do it anyway?

[info]thebestchoice in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Dickie and Steph

Who: Stephie and Dickie
Where: On top of Wayne Tower
What: Oh God I don't know
When: Night time duh
Warnings: HA


[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

[Steve R, Peggy C]

[Locked separately.]

Hello. As part of someone's wish, I'd like to ask that you keep Valentine's Day open. The evening part of it. Free of plans or appointments.

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Marie-Ange C, and friends of

[Locked separately to Marie-Ange C and friends of hers.]


[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Locked: Jack C

We're getting short on time here. Should I ask around, or should I just give you the dead wife? Rumor has it you have a thing about that.

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

charles x

Time is ticking down.

[info]erased in [info]rooms

Clementine M

Locked to Clementine M

I can't think of a single thing. Have you already decided what it is you want?

[info]jarvis_gi in [info]rooms

Locked: Pepper Potts and Public

[Pepper Potts]

Hello, Ms. Potts.


It is absolutely freezing, if Howard Stark shows up here, I'll make sure he personally apologizes for what I'm told is called climate change and the massive part I'm sure he had in it.

[info]muchworse in [info]rooms

[Harry O, Gwen S, Selina K]

[Harry O]

[Shortly after this, as he's taking a break from numbers.]

Harry, I need you to keep eating and drinking.

[Gwen S]

[As per Jason's request to check in.]


[Selina K]

[His pencil rests on the page for a bit before he writes. He's not entirely sure why he is.]

Plans for Valentine's Day? Big wishes made?

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

zatanna z, bruce w

[Zatanna Z]

[Bruce W]
Got a moment?

[info]reluctantxhero in [info]rooms

[Public as Levi Ackerman]

So, the mystery wish grantor of mine has recommended that I post here. I am in the world with the walking dead, or zombies, as they called them. Names don't matter. I can kill them, that's what matters.

Any tips on escaping this...door?