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February 4th, 2015

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Jurassic Park: Gwen & Peter

Who: Gwen & Peter
What: Escapism, dino style
Where: Jurassic Park
When: Following this
Warnings/Rating: Rated E for Envy. D for dinos.

Gwen didn't wait for Peter. )

[info]lionessrises in [info]rooms

Gwen S, Seven M

[As Hels.]

[Gwen S]
[From here.]


Also, that was not what I asked.

[Seven M]

Back in one place now.

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Evelyn T

Your name is quite pretty. Has anyone ever told you that?

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms


Loki? Can I talk to you?

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

selina k.

Hello. I think you know what I'm going to ask.

[info]harellan in [info]rooms


I am curious how so many cultures managed to decide the proper way to venerate a martyred religious figure was with chocolate and lingerie. Is this common?

Does this hotel press its will upon us often? It is most [...] disagreeable.

[info]downpour in [info]rooms

Neil D, Cris M

[Group Lock]

So are we setting traps now?

[info]spoileralert in [info]rooms

gotham rooftops: batman/spoiler

[Click your heels and go home, Dorothy.

It had gotten under her skin. He had gotten under her skin. She had a vague feeling that Edward Nigma did that a lot to her in a past life, and maybe that was just their lot in life. Him digging, digging, digging until he sunk onto something that pissed her off enough. Picking at scabs about her father, about a Gotham she had dreamt about her entire life without even realizing that it was real. Goddamn him, but she was still intrigued. And mostly? She wanted to prove him wrong. That this little girl from the suburbs with duck-face selfies and a gossip blog could tango just as well with the big guys and gals as anyone else could, as that other Stephanie could.

So that was why Stephanie Brown was hovering on the rooftop of a low building, pacing. Well, Spoiler was there. Sure, everyone knew who Spoiler was, but it made her feel safer to use Spoiler. She'd forge her own path without a bat in her name or behind her back. And, sure, maybe Daddy had a little to do with it, too. Maybe she still had an inkling of wanting to prove to him, too, even if Eddie told her that he'd been dead a long, long while here. Legacy, or just wounds that were yet to heal. Whatever the case, Selina Kyle had been right about one thing back in her Gotham: it had daddy issues written all over it.

Eggplant purple and black cowl covered everything but her blonde hair and bright blue eyes, blue eyes scanning the streets with a bored expression. What was the point of all this anyway? She didn't get into this to fight crime or whatever. She put on this get-up to fight off the douches coming after her and expose her father's plans to destroy all of Gotham. Greater good? Wasn't in the agenda for her. As far as she was aware at least.

A scream from below drew her attention down, however, and suddenly dazed blues went sharp. Two looming goons were closing in on a woman in her mid-twenties in a dirty alleyway lined with dumpsters and walls of graffiti. Sharp blades caught in the glints of light that splashed here and there, but they were otherwise obscured. There was a few moments of hesitation, Spoiler crouching as she followed the scene from above, before she decided fuck it and jumped down a series of fire escapes until she landed right in front of those fools. Arms on her hips and head tilted to the side as blonde hair spilled from the sides of her hood.]

Hey, pick on someone your own size, huh? [And maybe she was just a little wrong about that greater good stuff. Maybe there was a tiny bit of thrill that she was about to protect this woman from these fools.]

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms

Narrative: Evie S

Who: Evie Sablier and Daisy!
Where: Clem's place in Tuxedo Park, NY
What: Oops? Stopping the Snow a little...
When: Early in the morning after The Storm

Let it Snow? No. Stop. Let it stop snowing. )

[info]tinieblas in [info]rooms

[Locked to so many]

[Locked to Joey A, Shane A, Iris M, Russ C, Lin A, Daniel W, Cris M, Neil D, Casey D, Jack C, Saint R, Preston R]

Hey, so Lou is sick and has some fucked up magic thing going on that's been causing his insomnia or whatever. He's missing, and we need to get him back, but we don't know where he is. If anyone hears about weird shit in their door, or hears from him, or is willing to go help find him or whatever, holla? He needs to get medical attention. He can do some magic shit that puts ppl to sleep too, so don't let him touch you or whatever if he's acting weird.

If anyone finds him, return him to Neil.

[info]incharge in [info]rooms

louis d., public [anon]

[locked to louis d.]

[It's a long shot, but...] Louis?

[public, anonymously.]

I'm interested in speaking to anyone who has knowledge of [...] magic or abilities. The strange and unexplainable.

[info]sonrisa in [info]rooms

Call: Louis D

[During this.]

[Call to Louis D]
[Ring, baby, ring.]

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms

Various locks

[Locked: Shane A]

Okay so the snow was a total accident, But if I melt it all at once it's going to be an even bigger mess, if Frozen were real Elsa would have flooded her entire Fjord Kingdom. But I'll handle it. And then I probably need to get out of here.

If any bad guys like, I don't know, Magneto or something come here looking for me because of the weird weather pattern thing shoot them in the face I don't care who it is. Thanks, I'm going to research Chinooks.

[Saint R]

Are you in Marvel buried in snow?

[Posted Anon To Spider-Lady From the News???]

Was everyone okay?

[info]hercountry in [info]rooms

Phonecall: Cris M / Elena M

[Ring ring!]

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

Joey A.

Hi. Have you thought about your wish yet?

[info]ardency in [info]rooms

Alexander M, Public

[Alexander M]

Aren't you bored yet? I'm bored.

[Public, as 'Andrei']

Is there a modern New York City behind one of these doors?

[info]roomsdesires in [info]rooms

[elena m]

So, what will it be?

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to selina k]
