November 2015



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January 28th, 2015

[info]notawarlock in [info]rooms

Wanda M, Gwen S, Public

[Wanda M]

How much do you hate me right now?

[Gwen S]

Your attempts at friendly matchmaking are woefully underwhelming. And that's not your fault, it's one thousand percent me. Hashtag sorry? Hashtag I tried.


Where t Fuck everything [Eventually, scribbled out - but still visible.]

[info]hercountry in [info]rooms


Is anyone familiar with Bioshock?

[And then.]
[After Sam comments, this is deleted.]
I want to speak with the woman my husband is leaving me for.

[info]incharge in [info]rooms

sam a., louis d.

[locked to sam a.]

Where are you?

[locked to louis d.]


[info]likeaspider in [info]rooms

gwen s., mj w., harry o., sharon c., bruce b.

[call to gwen s.]

Ring ring!

[text to mj w.]

still think we shouldn't talk?

[locked to harry o.]

Hey. You doing okay?

[locked to sharon c.]

Hi, ma'am. We've never spoken, but I'm Peter. A friend of Gwen's. I know Cap, too.

eta: [locked to bruce b.]

Hi, Dr. Banner. I'm Peter, you might also know me as that awesome spider guy. I know Gwen, and she says you're working on the antiserum?

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Jason T, Mary Jane W, Sharon C

[Locked to Jason T]
Hey, James Dean. Long time no swoon.

[Locked to Mary Jane W]

[Locked to Sharon C]
Are you busy doing awesome things, ma'am?

[info]strikethose in [info]rooms

[locked to sam a]

[After this.]

You explain to me why you checked yourself out of rehab to be a babysitter before I drag you back through the door myself.

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Marina S

[Locked to Marina S]
[After this overabundance of joy.]

You still hating your man over there?

[info]hercountry in [info]rooms

quicklog: cris & elena; bioshock

Who: Elena & Cris
What: A horrible reunion
Where Bioshock door.
When: Now.
Warnings: Violence, gore.

Somewhere beyond the sea
somewhere waiting for me
my lover stands on golden sands
and watches the ships that go sailin'

[Tunnels of glass with a 360 degree deep ocean view. Fish, whales, sharks swam by. Beyond that was neon. Neon signs for bars glowed red, hotels in gold yellow, corporations burned blue and purple even this far down on the ocean floor. Rapture was the only light this far down, and the view was beautiful. The long coridors of thick glass were serene, a beautiful view of the 1950s. It wasn't decayed, nothing was rotten or rusted, everything was preserved. The further that one walked through the ocean-view corridor, the music grew louder. At the end of the corridor, a hydraulic door hissed open to the entrance of what might have been a massive hotel lobby. There was a fountain and spiral staircases on each side. Several bodies laid in the fountain face down, long dead. There was a bar in the corner, the tender slumped against the register with the back of his skull beaten through to brain tissue. Next to the bar, there was an intercom, and from there, Elena's voice sizzled through.]

Dios mio, you shouldn't have come here. I think I was halfway to the submarine home, but I'm doubling back. I'll find you. If you hear voices, hide.

[The intercom pops quiet, and from above the stairs, there can be voices heard. Women(splicers) shrieking, "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!" And then, a male's voice, "This little fish looks like he just had his cherry popped! I wonder if he's still got some ADAM on him." If Cris climbs the stairs and bypasses the splicers in their rabbit masks, there are more bodies littering the floor.]