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January 20th, 2015

[info]murderedyou in [info]rooms

Comm: Marvel, Sharon Carter

[Marvel: Wide-open Comm - to any inhabitants of Marvel who own a wireless comm receiver, even if they're not part of Stark's cool kids club.]

So which SOBs does a guy gotta talk to if he wants to get the skinny on these other doors, huh?

[Sharon Carter]

Carter. You got time for a handsome guy?

[info]maldito in [info]rooms

Clementine M, Graham R

[Locked to Clementine M]
fucking asshole.

[Locked to Graham R]
yeah, okay, you almost out?

[info]harellan in [info]rooms

quicklog: zatana and solas

[The only reason people gawked at him now were the ears. As he sat on the steps to the Metropolitan Museum of art, his hands laying across his knees, the humans stared at his ears and whispered, but they had nothing else to gossip about. He had a respectable wardrobe of slacks and shirts and looked like a casually dressed businessman waiting for a friend for lunch.

She said he'd know her when he saw her, but that didn't actually mean anything to him. The people of New York City were still bizarre to him. The shocks of pink and green hair, the piercings, the strange clothing, all of it combined to leave him in a consistent state of befuddlement. But that was irrelevant. He could feel her - or others like her - moving around him. Some of them were the mutants common to this world, warping the magical background noise that seemed to permeate everything. But a few were those weights, those points not unlike what human science called black holes.

Solas took a deep breath, flinching at the fumes and toxic smells that assaulted his nose, and shook his head sharply, as if that would clear the scents.

That was when he saw her. A dark haired woman, she stood out from the rest of the sea of humanity. She had that weight, but she also flickered with magic. He canted his head to the side, watching her as she approached.] Zatana, I presume.

[info]sea_bass in [info]rooms

Log: Jane and Thor

WHO: Jane and Thor
WHAT: Reconnecting
WHERE: Stark Tower
WHEN: Way, way, back. Shhh.

Often he’d been called a fool, but he would have truly been one if he had missed the tension that had seemed to plague their conversations as of late. )

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Helena W, Bruce B, Harry O, Sharon C

[Locked to Hels]
[Because she pays attention to the locks.] Hey. Are you still hanging out in a hallway?

[Locked to Bruce B]
Hello, sir.

[Locked to Harry O]
[Blink. Blink.] Hey. How are you feeling?

[Locked to Sharon C]

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

[Steve and Sharon.]

[Steve R.]

[Fuzzy timelines. Comm link to Steve.]

Updates for ya. Clock's ticking if you can spare a moment.

[Sharon C.]

[MORE fuzzy timelines.]

I found a fish in a pond where she doesn't belong.

[info]ex_apparitio856 in [info]rooms


[Loren C./The Master]

Undoubtedly this is not a need for your level of skill, however you're the closest I have.

[Luke H.]

Tell me what is happening.

[Pepper P.]

I wonder if you might be available for lunch.