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September 20th, 2014

[info]strikethose in [info]rooms

Partial Public: Locked to Friends

[Two in the morning, the post comes through. It's locked, rather vaguely, to 'friends', which should hopefully do the job, and ends up covering any person friendly to him, including strangers. Handwrting looser than usual.]

why am I still awake?

[info]im_loves_bitch in [info]rooms


[As Spike]
Okay... Gotta say this is a new one. Bloody hell I haven't gone crazy again have I?

[info]freakandgeek in [info]rooms


[After this]

Oooooh. Aaaaaah.

[info]ex_clerk820 in [info]rooms



[A general, localized feeling of fatigued calm, the kind that comes after a restless night and a zombie morning. There is the sensation of being drained, of having no energy to even be tired, except you are, so tired. It's just a feeling, small and light, without identity. Telepaths wouldn't feel formed thought, and even identity is missing from the emotion. Yawn.]

[info]crimsonstar in [info]rooms

Who: Song Mingmei and Tess Mercer
What: An Interview for the Daily Planet
When: Saturday, September 20, early afternoon
Where: The LuthorCorp Headquarters, Tess' office
Status: Incomplete, Threaded
Rating: TBA...probably PG.

First meetings and an interview... )

[info]thislifechoseus in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Donna T/Felicity S

[Donna was still getting the hang of this place, and she had yet to try out any of the other doors. There was plenty to see here; she went from Gotham to Gateway City to Themyscira and back again already. She was used to world jumping, more used to it than she'd really like, so the idea of sticking to one universe sounded good to her. She gave Felicity the address of Clyde's so she could pop by when she felt up to it. Donna felt a great deal of sympathy for people who were new to the concept of superheroes and the confusion that followed them. Plus if she worked for a version of Oliver Queen, well that was interesting. But apparently he just went by Arrow now? Interesting.

She was comfortably sitting at the end of the bar on a stool, drinking a local beer on tap, and looking over her tablet. She always stood out a little in Gotham; she was a little too well put together. There was a sleek and squeaky clean aspect to her that never quite got into the grit of the rest of the city. Black hair was loose over her shoulders, and she had already politely but firmly rejected a dozen advances since arriving. Donna had a list of things she'd eventually like to get done, but that was only going to grow by the day, and this beer was really, really necessary. She pulled up some of the newest news reports from Gotham and frowned, cycling through them. Her head lifted every once and awhile to look toward the door in case Felicity showed up. She didn't know much about the other woman, but hopefully she'd stand out being a newcomer to Gotham too.]