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July 31st, 2014

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms

Tony S, Loki, Carol D

[Locked to Tony S.]
[He does not expect a response, but he will deliver the messages.]

Lady Pepper - who is angry (at us, not you)
Lady Selina - who is also angry and hates all penises
Steven - would likely appreciate hearing from you, when you are ready

They all know that you are on Asgard.

[Locked to Loki]

[Wunjo but strangely enough, with a question mark after it.]

[Locked to Carol D.]
[After this.]

Steven and I were wondering if you might like to spar with us, Lady Carol?

[info]atrophy in [info]rooms


[Backdated to just after this.]

[Back in the hallway he'd met Selina in hours earlier, Steve paced, eyes high, hands in his pockets. He made sure he was alone before he spoke, aiming his voice... somewhere near the ceiling because he wasn't sure where to talk.] JARVIS? Are you around?

[info]inquisitive in [info]rooms

cheshire cat.

[There are fingerprints, dirt on her fingers and staining the edges of page. A few doodles: a flower, a cat, some swirls and nonsensical scribbles. Finally a word and a greeting.]


[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

[Locked Individually.]

[Very slowly. He has to type, which requires sitting up. No transcriptions, but Tony's journal posts are always type, so there won't be a visible difference except in speed.]

[Pepper P.]

No sleeping beauty kiss?

[Steve R.]

You and Thor shipped me to Asgard? Steve, I never knew you cared. It was the pajamas, wasn't it? I always win people over with sleepwear.

[Bruce B.]

What's cooking? Have you given up this life of crime to teach high school science?

[Selina K.]

Now is a good time to hook me up with the plant lady. I've decided life is too short. You better get on that right away.

[Bucky B.]

What did I miss? Do that rapid style military report thing you do. And don't tell anybody I'm awake I think it's supposed to be a secret. That especially includes anybody that you have slept with or are thinking about sleeping with.

[info]imnotlegolas in [info]rooms

Avengers + with a caveat/Natasha's friends, Loki

[Avengers + and Natasha's friends but no Natasha]
So. Tomorrow is the birthday of our favorite red headed spy. Kind of last minute I know but given all the crazy going on, just got a moment to breathe and look at the calendar.

I know we got a lot going on what with the attack thing on the Tower, Stark, near invasions by raccoon-like aliens, and I don't even know what else but maybe this could be a chance to unwind? If only for cake.

Sir. Still no further updates on Stark. Tomorrow is Romanoff's birthday and I'm seeing if there will be a party or not. Things have been rather quiet on the information front I'm afraid.

[info]sybarite in [info]rooms

log: harry & mj nightclubbing pt 1.

Who: Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson (1/2)
What: Drinks, talking about people who arent there.
Where: New York.
When: Backdated to before Carnage stuff.
Warnings: Language?

Now that's just asking for trouble. )

[info]ex_cupboard719 in [info]rooms


Happy birthday, Neville.

[info]vivreencore in [info]rooms


'Regards'? Your sarcasm needs work.

[info]hiding in [info]rooms

Who: Alexander and Chloe
What: An interlude
Where: The gardens at their estate
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Some kissing, nothing more.

The evening was warm. )

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

eddie/steph log eddie is drunk

[After this.]

[The front door of the Nashton abode banged open, making the various animals around The Farm scatter either away from the door or towards it. Matilda, of course, went straight for Eddie who smelled like booze, city slicker cologne and dust.] Hey puppy. Who's a good doggie? You're a good doggie! [Matilda happy barked and wiggled her body so hard it banged into lamps and plants. The front door closed and Eddie stumbled to the couch, leaning over the edge before tumbling down on the cushion face first.]

Wife! I'm home and I'm drunk!

[Eddie called, mouth smushed up against the couch as he reached to try and grab the orange kitten furball that was Lucha. When Stephanie came out, she saw Eddie in a white button up shirt, suit pants and shoes still on. One sleeve was rolled up and somehow his tie was still around his neck. The suit blazer was on the coffee table along with a pretty much untouched bottle of vodka. He was, of course, still faceplanting on the couch as he tried to reach for Lucha who was way more interested in his catnip toy.]