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July 18th, 2014

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

dick g, peter p, selina k

[Locked to Dick Grayson, after this]

You're in charge, right? I don't know the dynamics here. Jason came to the cave while we were working. He gravely injured Gwen but she scared him off with a sonic pulse. I have to bring her to that hospital you were in before, I don't have what I need here to treat her injuries. I'll be back once I get her there, I think they'll remember me from my visits to you. She's the one who knows Carnage best, but she's out. I have all her notes and research so I'll go from here as best as I can. The other person who knows him best is Peter Parker, I'll try to contact him. The plan is to get the containment suit working.

I can tell you that Jason is definitely in there. He was talking about only things he'd know. But that means Carnage has all the information Jason does. It might mean all your safe houses are compromised. [...] I'm not sure if you're aware of this yet, but our powers in other doors are not working correctly. It didn't seem like it applied to Carnage, despite him being originally from Marvel, so I'm not sure what to make of that.

If you all want the notes and research I have, I can share them. I'm not sure who's interested in it, but it'll give a better idea of what you're dealing with. This was the first time I personally have seen it.

[Locked to Peter Parker]

Peter are you there? We have a situation, Carnage's loose, Gwen's severely injured. I'm doing my best to come up with a containment suit on my own, but your expertise would help.

[Added later: Locked to Selina Kyle]

[Very reluctantly and uncertainly.] Hey.

[info]upintheclouds in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Batkids going to Dickie's Batcave

Who: Batfam
Where: Dick's Batcave - Located in the sub basements of Wayne Tower
When: After his conversation with Selina, before Banner's post.
What: Team meeting, bitches
Warnings: Dick's been dropping F bombs lately.

[The second subbasement under Wayne Tower is Dick's Batcave, much like it was from the long forgotten time he'd come from. He wasn't living in the Penthouse because he was determined to take care of the house.

The new "cave" had ample space, state of the art security, surveillance, and computer equipment, but it was all a bit newer than what they had. It was fresh, it still had the high smell of new in the place, but Dick was making it comfortable. There was a conference table on a raised platform near enough to see the computer monitors and large screens. But not to fiddle with them. Dick was sitting at the head of the table and waited.

Damian had been there already, he was in the room, the others had yet to arrive but they weren't late. Yet.

The table was glass, actually pilfered from a conference room that was being remodeled upstairs in one of the offices, but he didn't mind repurposing it. There were enough chairs for everyone to have a seat, and even though Dick was sitting in his chair rocking his shair back and forth, it looked cohesive, even though it's inhabitant looked just the tiniest worse for wear, but it was only a day or two of stubble and his smiles weren't altogether pleased. But he was trying.]

[info]fornothing in [info]rooms

callum a.

[LOCKED to Callum Alexander]

You busying solving crimes and shit or you got time for your brother?

[info]greasemonkey in [info]rooms

Public, Ford C, Louis D, Ink Anon


we got something eating people now?

[Ford C]

I need a favor.

[Louis D]

found something yet? [ETA: after Ford] so skipping the bullshit. you want to meet Ford?

[Ink Anon]

second thoughts?

[info]brokenlily in [info]rooms


After reading about some of the other doors in this hotel...well, my own doesn't seem so bad now despite ever. I think I'll be staying firmly here.

[info]chanteuse in [info]rooms

Gatsby: log Ella and Joey

Who: Ella D and Joey A
What: It's not coffee.
When: Recently
Where: Gatsby
Warnings: These two do not need warnings.

Inside, light was gas-flare low, the indolent buzz of people drinking, and playing cards, and having a good time, and feeling self-congratulatory that they were having a good time when others weren't )