November 2015



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May 10th, 2014

[info]jukejoint in [info]rooms

Liam R

[Locked to Liam R]
Hey, you. Want to talk?

[info]stronghurricane in [info]rooms

Public; as Ororo M

Well I can say this is slightly one of the more stranger things to happen to me lately.

[info]raider in [info]rooms

Lagertha, Loki

[Locked to Lagertha]

I will have goat tonight, if you would like to join me.

[Locked to Loki]

I gave you my word. What would you have, Lord?

[info]loud in [info]rooms

public, Mr. J

[Because why lie low?]

helloooooo ) sweet freedom!!!!

[Locked to Joker]
puddin! you holdin up in there ok?

[info]luckythirteen in [info]rooms

Marvel Comics/Log: Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter

Who: Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers
What: Coffee
Where: A coffee shop in NY
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None that I'm aware of. Sharon sometimes likes to say PG-13 words.

Coffee. )

[info]stream in [info]rooms


I have been asking myself may questions lately. I've a lot of time to think, and sometimes my thoughts take strange paths.

For instance. What makes someone a friend?

Is it a shared experience? Something that two share in common? Perhaps it is something else all together that draws two people together into something called friendship.

But what happens if one of the two involved acts on... intentions that are less than pure?

Is it still a friendship? Or is it now simply a manipulation of another person?

[info]ex_thisismym190 in [info]rooms

stephanie b

[Locked to Stephanie Brown]

Hey, how's it going?

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

Stark Tower, Group Log

Who: Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and open to all Stark Tower / Avengers peeps.
What: Dinner time, a la Banner and Rogers team up.
Where: Stark Tower common floor
When: Back dated just a little to here!
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Taco Time! )

[info]incharge in [info]rooms

eddie n. (+ louis d.)

[locked to eddie n. & louis d.]

So. Ash recommended we talk to you.

[info]hauntedsoul in [info]rooms

ford c.

[While out beyond the fences, canvassing the surrounding area. He's starting slow.]

hey, kid.