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April 22nd, 2014

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

eddie shows steph the watchtower

[BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! A white circle with threading light of purple expands noisily. Out walks two figures, the Riddler and Spoiler. Eddie's in his full Riddler gear that's more suited for something of a Gotham long forgotten. Green with question marks, bowler hat, domino mask and purple gloves. Something he was wearing while out investigating and didn't bother changing into his more modern, hero style outfit. The boom tube opens up in a large hall that is clearly built to entertain more than two people. The ceiling is high and above them is a endless mess of stars that stretches out infinitely. Everything looks beyond human tech and indeed, the Watchtower was built from various alien designs and technology collected by Lex Luthor. Computers buzz, machines beep, but for the most part there's a peaceful quiet. The Justice League only consists of a few members, after all, and they're all gone. Well, except their IT guy.

Eddie's holding onto Stephanie even after the tube closes, but then he pulls away just in case she does have to hurl.] You good? [He is reminded of Wayne's World. If you're gunna spew, spew in this cup.]

[info]raider in [info]rooms


[In runes that do not change.]

Have you seen?

[info]onerule in [info]rooms


[Backdated to before he goes to Marvel, shhh.]

[locked to the batfam+]

Marvel is under attack. The League and I are going to assist. While I'm gone, Gotham is in your hands. If you need me I'll be reachable, but I know you're all more than capable of handling things here.

[info]perspective in [info]rooms

[Alexander M]

[She hasn't heard from him since he broke things off with her, isn't even sure if he's still around any longer or if he's still in Vegas. But writing helps her get some of her thoughts out, and it's better than talking to herself to clear her mind. So she locks the post, just in case, and lets it out.]

Dear Alexander... )