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April 1st, 2014

[info]fuadan in [info]rooms

[After this.]

I am beginning to dislike spiders.

[info]newhorizon in [info]rooms

Who: Spider-Man and Captain America
When: the night spidey bots get released
Where: Old Navy yard
What: fightin!
Warning: violence, blood, some sads

Captain America gazed up and into the masked face of an angry, entitled boy playing at being superhero. A bully. )

[info]ex_clerk820 in [info]rooms

[Locked to Ex-Deadlist, by name.]

[Locked to the former deadlist by name. Preston assumes everyone got transferred into Marvel SHIELD, correctly or incorrectly.]

I'm going to meet Captain America.

...I'm going to try to avoid asking his autograph.

It's neutral ground in the hotel so hopefully they'll just ask me a lot of questions and I can reassure them we're not a bunch of murdering crazies from Las Vegas, which I think is what they want to hear.

If you want to come, you're... invited.

And yes, I know it's pretty stupid.

[info]perspective in [info]rooms

DC: Donovan Manor (Complete)

[When Ashleigh woke again, it wasn't in her bed at the hospital. There were no beeps of equipment, no rails on the bed, nothing that indicated that it was a hospital in the slightest. Instead, the bed was comfortable, spacious, the covers thick and luxurious. But despite the pleasant surroundings, she was still injured, still aching in her bandaged-covered wrists, and her head still felt tender when she dared to give it an exploratory touch with the tips of her fingers.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Ashleigh slid out from beneath the covers to stand, still clad in a hospital gown, though there was a robe laying nearby that she tugged on, knotting the belt loosely at her waist.]

Hello? [She called out, hoping that she wasn't alone, that there was someone here that could perhaps explain what was going on. She padded out of the bedroom into the hallway, calling out again.]

Anyone out there?

[info]foundling in [info]rooms

Avengers, Bucky B, Natasha R, Peggy C, Tony S, Gwen S, ETA Bruce B

[After this (and after this).]

[Locked to the Avengers]
I'm meeting the anonymous S.H.I.E.L.D. member in the lobby of the hotel tonight at 20:00. He requested I not bring everyone along, so I'm going to ask Natasha, Bucky, and Peggy to come with me. Natasha and Bucky both spoke with the man, and Peggy knows more about S.H.I.E.L.D. than any of us. We'll report back afterward. I'll check in at 21:00. If I fail to do so, [...] someone come save our asses.

[Separate texts to Bucky B, Natasha R, Peggy C because he doesn't know how to group text and T9 is terrible.]
20:00. Hotel lobby. Plz

[Post-texting call to Tony S's cell]

[Locked to Gwen S]
Ms. Stacy, I have a couple questions to ask you, if I might.

ETA: [Locked to Bruce B]
Doctor, I have Peter Parker, and he's been cleaved somehow with Dr. Ock [One day Steve will realize it's Doc Ock], but the boy himself is still in there. I've spoken with Stark about finding a way to separate the two, without causing harm to either. If you would, could you talk to him and Ms. Stacy? I don't know enough about it to be of any help.

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Norman O, Mary Jane W

[Group lock: Norman O, Mary Jane W, Gwen S]
[After hatching this great plan with Mary Jane.]

Mr. Osborn, Mary Jane and I need some help, and we thought you might be the best person to ask, since Peter was is Harry's best friend.

Peter's been captured by Captain America and the Avengers, and we're worried about what they're going to do with him. He's had his body stolen by a man called Otto Octavius, and his recent actions have been controlled by Otto. We're worried that the Avengers might do something to unwittingly harm him, and then we'll never be able to get Peter free of Otto's control. I know we're asking a lot, but can you use your age money influence to ensure he doesn't come to any harm? We know he needs to be held until we can figure out how to help him. We just don't want him coming to any harm in the meantime.

[info]willpower in [info]rooms


[Run, Hal is being the responsible one.]

Roll call.

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms


[Left open in the chance that someone has seen him.]

Liam? Are you here?

ETA: Does anyone know where the DC door is?

[info]ex_clerk820 in [info]rooms

[Marvel Spies Meet n' Greet. The Hotel.]

[After his conversation with Steve, Natasha, and Bucky, Preston agreed to meet in the hotel as a sort of unofficial representative of the new arrivals. Most of the new arrivals were not at all interested in being represented, but Preston, being Preston, and a secret optimistic bureaucrat at heart, wanted everyone to avoid outright antagonism if at all possible.

It being Captain America coming to the meet played a big part in the reality of him standing there, looking so much the Boring Official White Guy in a Suit that it hurt, and trying not to imagine all the ways this could go wrong depend on which version of these people were here. But Preston had the advantage of remembering Tony's opinions on Steve, if not really Natasha and Bucky, and despite the complete catastrophe of the threats of file-pulling and dossiers, he was willing to go on faith.

A little faith. The rest of him was all non-faith, and non-faith was experience, cynicism, and maybe a dash of recent trauma thanks to the last attempt on his life, which happened only hours before he ended up in the hotel for good. He thought about Saint as he rounded the corner, grateful that the guy isn't going to be around on this date. The non-faith is taking the form of Gwen in his ear and watching from his lapel, and probably a couple more spies lurking around the lobby just in case things went bad. Preston would have preferred everyone stayed safely anonymous, but he wasn't about to order people around if they wanted to show up.

He glanced around nervously, hoping Reece wasn't waiting around feeling trigger-happy, conflicted about whether he wanted to see Shae, who he didn't really know that well. On the one hand more faces meant less alone. On the other hand more faces could get shot (or, more likely 'brought in for questioning') if this was a bad idea.

Preston sighed, shook out his jacket, and sat on one of the dusty cushions in the hotel lobby.]

[info]toberuled in [info]rooms

[locked to Thor]

[In response to seeing this. He takes his time, though.]

How goes the war?

[info]incharge in [info]rooms

donovans, sam a., lin a.

[donovan lock.]

Roll call.

[locked to sam a.]


[locked to lin a.]

I have no idea what's going on, but hi.

[info]noshadow in [info]rooms


I'll take Earl back if it means going home.

[info]newhorizon in [info]rooms

[Private to MJ & Gwen]

I think people know my secret identity, can one of you delete my facebook?

[Private to Avengers]
