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Rockbell Hospital & Automail

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Waking up [Dec. 29th, 2011|10:03 pm]

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Somewhere beyond a dark fog that dominated everything, she was aware of pain. A dull, deep ache and a heaviness on her body. The air smelled sickly-sweet, and as sensation crept back in around the very edges, the feel of something on her face. Strange whooshing and mechanical sounds filtered in from a far way away, and a cold lump of chill began to congeal inside. Someone was trying to kill her. Get out. Get to cover. They're coming. They found me. Get out. Get away. Escape.

The mechanical sounds and beeps and whooshing noise grew louder, faster. She tried to lift her right arm, bend her fingers, and found she couldn't. Her other arm responded, but then a sharp pain registered on the back of her hand. Stabbing. Panic began to override everything as she started to desperately claw her way up from the foggy depths of unconsciousness.
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