Rockbell Hospital & Automail [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Rockbell Hospital & Automail

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[Apr. 16th, 2012|10:41 pm]

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[Current Mood |sore]

After the fights with Bradley, Dante, and Envy have been wrapped up, some of the parcipitants make their way into the hospital on the grounds.

Ed limps in with an arm wrapped around his ribs. "Winry?" he calls.

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Finishing the Fight (open to anyone who wants to notice) [Nov. 14th, 2011|07:16 pm]

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It only took a few minutes from the time Shou went into the portal that she came back out. She had gone in cloaked in armor, now she came back out, her spear buried in Kanako's chest, white hair, and with only one leg.

"RAGHHH!" She screamed, blasting her foe repeatedly, lighting up the sky with the amount of firepower she was putting out. Kanako had ceased fighting, lying on the ground. Alive, but barely. "ABSOLUTE CLARIFICATION!!!!" Which prompted a blast, much like the one she used to summon the Gate the first time.
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