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Rockbell Hospital & Automail

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OOC ANNOUNCEMENT [Jul. 11th, 2011|04:12 pm]

[Tags|, ]


I have begun adding account usernames as tags, and have started tagging posts on communities for easier searching to find where any given character may have spoken up. Only maintainers can add new tags however, all asylum members can add existing tags to posts.

If you start a new post, or comment to one, you're free - even encouraged to - click on the icon at the top of each post to add the tag with your character's name.

If your character's name is not available in the list of tags, please comment to this post to let me know, and I will add it asap.

The following communities now have usernames added for tagging:


And people are also encouraged to go back over older posts and add tags if they're bored. :D
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