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another broken hand, Russell [Apr. 28th, 2011|01:30 pm]

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Paul didn't stop running until he got back to the apartments, where he finally came to a stop and leaned against the first building, trying desperately to catch his breath. After a moment, the adrenaline began to wane and the pain in his hand made itself known again. He tucked the locket back under his shirt and stepped over to the front door of the first building, still nursing his wounded hand.

A few minutes later, he was knocking on the clinic door. Please, let someone be in.
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[Apr. 20th, 2011|01:33 am]

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[Current Mood |okay]

After he's done making sure that people have settled in at his apartment, Ed goes over to the clinic to look for Winry. He knocks on the door and then waits for a response.

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Allergic reactions ahoy! [Aug. 24th, 2010|01:33 am]

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((continued from this thread))

Celena is panicking. Twice over. One, she can't breathe, and that's a little important, and two, that man said injection. Ooooh god, not an injection. She's still protesting the best her little choked up voice can manage between wheezing fits as they PIN in to the front yard of the apartments and Van enters the code to get into the building and up to the clinic.
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Zombie virii! [Jul. 10th, 2010|08:40 pm]

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Poor Paul. His first week here and he's already bringing home headaches. Well, no matter. The young woman with the virus was obviously distressed over it, and Paul specializes in helping distressed people. So with the young woman in tow, he leads her into the apartments and up to the second floor, where he knocks politely.
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New Patients [Apr. 8th, 2010|10:07 pm]

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Russell knew that Roy would be bringing some people by sometime before he was due in for his shift at the bar, and things were relatively calm enough that they didn't need to schedule any actual appointment times.

Even so, he was glad for many reasons that Ed's heart was fixed, as the need for an actual clinic facility was on that list. The converted apartment was becoming a bit cramped. At least Ken was an outpatient, and unless the examinations showed something alarming, the same would apply to Roy's family.

Elizabeth was the only inpatient, and she was fairly low-maintenance (for an Elric) as long as her brother was around. His younger alternate and that one's brother showed up a few hours ago and were keeping her entertained over some cards.

No one had heard yet from the newest Delilah in the Nexus, and he knew just enough about her to guess at her possible medical history, and even ignoring that, the time she'd have spent in Dante's company unawares had him worried. If she didn't contact anyone by the following evening to come to the clinic, he'd go and collect her himself.

The voices toward the door caught his attention, and he looked out to see Roy with a woman, and two children in tow, a teenage boy and a preteen girl.

"Hey, Mustang," he greeted with a wave as he stepped out.
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