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Monday, January 11th, 2010

    Time Event
    ANNOUNCEMENT: Like cavemen fear thunder.
    There were people at his tower. Tobias felt a shiver of excitement. There were people at his tower and one had completed his first task. Oh, what Jamie did with the first aid kit would be most interesting to observe- whether he ran with it or helped that Abe fellow or was killed for it- but for some reason the simple though that they had found him gave him a thrill. They were close, very close, but not close enough to touch him. If he went downstairs, right now, he could be on the other side of the wall listening and they would never know he had been there. They could kill Jamie, leave his blood splattered on Tobias' tower, and he would never have to see or touch it to be close to it. There was some appeal in the idea.

    But no, not now. Now, Tobias had an obligation to his new friends to update them. He flicked the switch, the microphone and speakers whining to life. And some of them were so close to hear them. Tobias allowed himself to shiver again before speaking.

    "Good morning, friends. We didn't have a very productive day again, did we? We had only two deaths- Lotus bashed Amber Hughes in the head and left her bleeding to death, and then did terrible things in the blood. Didn't you, Lotus? Raped that boy Lucas Bishop, right in the blood of the girl he loved, mere days after he had lost his whole family? He took it very hard, didn't he? Taking Amber to the beach to put both of them out of their misery. How sad, isn't it?"

    "The first aid kit has been found. You can all thank Jamie Drake for taking it and leaving you without one. Ah, but he isn't out of the woods quite yet, is he? He still needs to run with it. You all wish him the best of luck, don't you? I'm certain you'll tell him once you see him."

    "I think it's time for another race. We can't let this contest get boring, can we? I think for a change of pace we'll make add the jungle back to our list of dead zones. In fact, I believe the beach will remain one. How fast can all of you run? Oh, but this is a good thing, isn't it? After all, this is taking so long. I won't be able to keep you all here indefinitely. We need a winner before all of you begin starving to death or I feel the need to cheat the rules and thin the herds by detonating your collars. And if you need an extra incentive...I've left a surprise in the boat somewhere. Good or bad...well, that's for you to find out, isn't it? Sometimes life is about risk, after all. Good luck, friends."

    Tobias clicked the microphone off and leaned back in his chair. After a moment, he decided to stand and walk downstairs to listen after all. One brief indulgence wouldn't hurt. He had earned it.

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