June 2012




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May. 27th, 2010


Who: Columbus and Open
Where: Near the Hiking Trail
When: Early Thursday Morning
What: Going on a hike? Maybe.
Rating: Low; will change if need be.

Rule Number Eighteen: Limber Up. )

May. 26th, 2010


Who: Tallahassee, !Open to all and to residents of Cabin #4
When: Mid Evening
What: Trying to relax by playing Left 4 Dead on the cabin's X-box.
Where: Cabin #4
Rating: R for possible language.

He had just gotten home from his shift at the grocery store )

May. 13th, 2010


Who: Claire Redfield and Pike, open to whoever else is burning the corpses.
When: Right after this.
Where: The field behind the grocery store.
What: Burning corpses.

She hadn't gotten much sleep since this whole mess had started. )

May. 8th, 2010


WHO: Little Rock & OPEN!
WHAT: Venturing down into the sewers.
WHERE: Starting at Cabin 14 then heading down into the basement and eventually the sewers.
WHEN: Ten minutes after this.
RATING: TBD. Probably PG-13 for language.
STATUS: In progress, open to anyone!

Hopefully in the time that she took to grab supplies the zombies didn't learn about the sewer systems.... )

May. 3rd, 2010


Who: Heather, Open!
When: During Sam's birthday party.
Where: Buono Gusto
What: She'd had full intention on going, really she had. But then she saw the blond girl she'd argued with was going to be there. And rather than risk a confrontation, a trip to the unused Italian restaurant seemed like a better choice.
Rating: Low for now.
Status: Incomplete

Oh she was drunk, good and drunk. Maybe coming here alone had been a bad idea.