June 2012




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May. 20th, 2012


Who: Anna and Robin
Where: The park
When: Some time after lunch
what: Katie and Aiden are already good friends

The only question remaining was Anna )

May. 19th, 2012


Who: Heather and Robin
Where: Outside Heather's place, then a walk somewhere or other
When: Some time during the day
What: Walking. And talking.

Not that he could get rid of him if his opinion was any different )

May. 13th, 2012


Who: Robin (and Logan) and Open
When: Mid morning some time
Where: Out on the grounds
What: Enjoying the sun, passing the time

Happy to be here, but different )

Apr. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Anna & Robin
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: Archery Range
WHAT: flowers and scary animals in packs

It was likely not going to end well for her, but Anna had never backed down from a fight before. )


Who: Robin and Laura (and Logan)
When: Afternoon
Where: Laura and Gabriel's house
What: Meeting. Again.

He would reserve judgement )

Apr. 14th, 2012


Who: Heather and Robin
When: Maybe the afternoon?
Where: Locksley manor
What: Getting reacquainted

Read more... )

Apr. 9th, 2012


Who: Robin and open
When: Not long after his arrival
Where: The grounds
What: He just got back to Nottingham after five years away. He really was looking forward to seeing Locksley again.

He had all his weapons with him )

Jan. 17th, 2012


Who: Heather and Robin
Where: Heather and Tony's place
What: Rise and shine, it's a beautiful day?
When: Morning after she asked him to come stay

the sun barely risen )

Jan. 12th, 2012


Who: Robin and open
What: Some early morning quiet
When: Early morning
Where: The archery range

He knew he would not find any answers here )

Jan. 2nd, 2012


Who: Robin and Heather
What: Being brother and sister
Where: Around about
When: About a day after what happened

He couldn't stay in the room )

Jan. 1st, 2012


Who: Marian and Robin
What: Dealing with things
When: A day or two after their loss
Where: Hotel room

For the moment she was just numb... )

Nov. 29th, 2011


Who: Heather and Robin
Where: JWRR!
When: Later.
What: Visiting take two.
Warnings: None
Jingle Bells )

Nov. 20th, 2011


Who: Robin and Heather
When: The afternoon they agreed to see each other
Where: Heather's house
What: Hopefully clearing the air

Read more... )

Nov. 15th, 2011


Who: Laura and Robin
Where: Laura and Gabriel's new house.
When: After this.
What: Laura is making an attempt to cheer Robin up.
Warning: There might be a mention of a boob? She does have a 11 month old toddler.
e )

Oct. 26th, 2011


Who: Robin and Marian
When: After this
Where: Their room
What: Just being together

Read more... )

Oct. 20th, 2011


Who: Gibbs and MurdochRobin
When: A few days after Gabriel's deal to bring the ghost of first officers past back from the titanic
Where: Gibbs' basement
What: Uhm. Angry!Ghost?

The basement was quiet )

Oct. 11th, 2011


Who: Heather, Robin and Gabriel(?)
When: After this.
Where: The Titanic!
What: Robin has lured Heather onto the ship. Though it didn't take much.
Warning: None!
It's the freaking Titanic! )

Oct. 9th, 2011


Who: Robin and Marian
Where: Their house
When: When he gets back from the ship
What: Convincing her she really wants to see the Titanic too.

For the life of him, he couldn't recall what had happened in that room )

Sep. 24th, 2011


Who: Anna and Robin
Where: Starting in Anna's room
When: Mid morning some time
What: Finally seeing each other, since bringing her back

He was just glad his friend was back )

Sep. 19th, 2011


Who: Gabriel and Robin
What: Returning a favour
When: After this
Where: Gabriel's cabin

Read more... )

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