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Apr. 8th, 2011


Who: Sixteen year old Sonya, and OPEN
What: Waking up and exploring the resort
Where: Anywhere ouside the cabins
When: The morning after Petersen reverted people's ages.

Sonya had woken up that morning confused. The alarm that woke her up wasn't the usual 'wake up' bell that sounded at the academy, and hell, the room wasn't even her room. When she got out and made her bed, (habit from the academy) her first thought was to explore the room, but while it was rather large and new-especially without the presence of her roommates, she couldn't find anything that would alert her to danger and she even found that the door could be locked from the inside.

Taking a peak inside the closet and drawers, she noted the lack of uniforms save a set of BDUs and strangely enough they even had her name on them. Unfortunately, they still didn't fit all that well, and she had to settle for finding some 'civilian' clothing. The questions of how and why she was here were constantly nagging her, and she had to force herself to breath to keep her temper from rising.

The rest of the house got the same treatment, but in all honesty it was only done with half focus. The place looked extremely comfortable, more so than the dorms at the academy which were spartan compared to this. They even had what Sonya swore were computers and game consoles, but they didn't look like any that Sonya had ever seen: they were more compact and neater than the ones she'd seen before.

Outside it was no better, as it didn't give her much of a clue of where she was. Sonya could see now that the buildings were cabins, but a lot more sophisticated than the cabins she was used to. Near by, she could also see a grocery store that didn't look like a post exchange or anything. There were some other buildings up ahead, but they were too far for her to see details, other than the simple fact that the design was too nice to be military. Where ever she was, this was the clincher that she was no longer in the military academy, or hell even in Georgia.