February 1st, 2019



character intro!!

Hi friends! Meet Marina Tali Freeman! Marina isnher given first name, but she’s been going by Tali for awhile now and that’s how she’ll generally introduce herself to people. :) She’s Atiran, but spent most of her 20s on Earth working with the Resistance and almost marrying Ezra before their combine powers of stupidity fucked that up only to return to Atira and start doing work for the Mercs again about 5 or so years ago. Obviously, she’s back now and it’s obviousoy just really coincidental that it’s happening on the heels of that new report ;)

Uh the only people who will already know her probs are Gabe, Maria and Ezra but I am super open to tossing her at anyone else. Come be her friend, she is awesome!