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Posts Tagged: '%7Enpc:+marina+friedman'

Dec. 31st, 2019



Texts: Jacqueline Wildegrub

[OOC: At various points over the course of New Year's Eve]

[Ezra Wilde and Marina (separately)]
>>You're coming tonight, right?

[Lucy Pevensie]

[Younger Peeps+]
>>We're sending this year out with a bang, okay?

[Mordecai Roberts]

Oct. 18th, 2019



18 October | Alicia Spinnet

Someone told me yesterday was national pasta day.

In honour of it, a day late, I'm going to make loads of different kinds of pastas and anyone is welcome to come by for dinner tonight.

There will be wine too.

Oct. 17th, 2019



October 17th | Marina Friedman

cut for image, not filtered )

The view from the bar is pretty good tonight. Our specials at Luminous definitely have a bit of Italian flair for "National Pasta Day" and I may have sampled a few of tonight's specialty items. Definitely worth coming out, in my completely unbiased opinion.

Oct. 1st, 2019



October 1 | Marina Friedman

I personally love a good steak, but if you're so inclined to celebrate National Vegetarian Day, I have it on good authority that Clean Slate has some pretty good specials on their vegan and vegetarian menu today. Might even inspire me to go meatless just for the day. Maybe.

Sep. 14th, 2019




» We leave at dusk, pretty boy.
» Don't be late.

Sep. 5th, 2019



I guess, since I'm going to be here for awhile, I might as well look for a job. Since earning a living is important, and everything. It's nice to be able to pay your bills and buy food wherever you are, even if you might not want to be there.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

I am not convinced I'm using this right or that anyone will actually see this, but hello. I met a few people briefly the other night, but it's honestly a bit of a blur. I gather others seeing this were brought here by the same witchcraft as I was and that I am not experiencing some sort of fever dream.

Cullen Rutherford. It's, well, a pleasure.

Jun. 9th, 2019




📱Fuck me [typing]
📱I need a favor.

Jun. 8th, 2019




📱Fix it.
📱Don't care about how. Don't care about with who.
📱Just fix it.

Jun. 5th, 2019



Network Post: Jac Wildegrub

[Under 21-ish minus Rose]
Who's still We should do something for Rose.

You're not going to go, are you?
