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Dec. 15th, 2008


Crew & Slave Jobs

Below are the possible Crew positions and slave jobs (for those character types) on board Calypso's Isle.

Crew Positions )

Slave Jobs )


Step Two - Pup Bio Sheet

Pup Bio Sheet: If your character is approved, everything below this will need to be posted to the OOC comm with the subject line Pup Bio Sheet: Pup name. Please leave the HTML codes intact so the bio sheet will be properly formatted when posted.

Click here for Pup Bio Sheet )


First Contact

If interested in joining The Retreat, please email the following information to the mod ( for consideration.

Your name:
Your age:
Other RPGs played: (Links preferred. List at least one pup you play(ed) there. Reason(s) for leaving?)
Desired Puppet Name/Played by: (You don't need to provide their exact age here - you will do that in their finished pup bio later - just make sure they're at least 18)
Puppet Journal: (if one is already made)
Have you written m/m slash before and do you enjoy it? (This is important because this game is very slash heavy, although we welcome all types of chat pairings.)
Character concept: Is your pup a Master, slave or crew member? Why or how did they come to this?
Writing sample: (this could be anything at all that gives us a good idea of how you write. a snippet of a recent RP chat you have done is preferred, but fic is fine too.)

* Before submitting any information please make sure that both you and your PB are currently 18 years of age or older. The Retreat is an adults-only game. Thank you.

* You may reply by email to

Pup concept approved? Go to Step Two, the pup bio sheet.


Game Info

Welcome to The Retreat: an adult-only, slash, BDSM role-playing game. The Retreat is based on the RPG Maison Phoenix (on and loosely follows the canon created for that alternate universe.

This comm is the out-of-character comm for the RPG. Pup bio sheets, game info and details, questions, feedback, basically anything that is not considered "in character" will be posted here.

Game Info )

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September 2009



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