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Sep. 10th, 2018


News: Repose

[As the town swells and bilges in un-satiated hunger and un-slaked desire, spinnerets of sharpened inspiration trail in their wake. It begins with lust that drives men-folk home, who see old loves and forgotten desires in the shape of them around them. It couples together those who hallucinate themselves in love, in lust, in anger and anguish but who slake it with one another violently, over and over in a glut of sexual satisfaction that will not truly extinguish. It is in the knives people take from their kitchen drawers, and the malice of opportunity, a carefully placed foot that knocks a man into the road until the cars squeal an inch from his forehead. It is in the drink, as the grocery store is broken into by night, windows smashed and alarms squealing and every drop of alcohol that can be stolen is stolen and the drunks sleep on the benches in the park. It is in opportunity taken and seized and plundered, over and over in attempt at bloody fulfilment.]

Sep. 8th, 2018


Nel L

[Nel L]

I'm sure you're enduring, but the lake and the forest do prompt the question, darling, how is the family doing?

Sep. 4th, 2018


[Public & Various.]

[Text to Claire J.]

How are you?

[Forum: Dietre]

You are settled?

[Forum: Destiny S.]

You and your spells are not affected?


When will it stop?



how the hell do i get out of the historical fiction section

Aug. 28th, 2018



For sale. Please direct any and all inquiries to Repose Antiques.

Medicine, revolution, and mugshots. )

Aug. 18th, 2018


Hookerville: Rae and open

Who: Rae B and open
Where: Hookerville
Warnings: TBD

The trailers varied, in as much as any place run independently by its constituent parts varied )

Aug. 13th, 2018


Various & Public

[All at an unusual (for Dahlia) early-morning hour.]

[Marta F]
fuckin basement flooded. no water here til bullshit is fixed. fyi

[Destiny S]
emergency crones club meetin tonight. im callin it now

[Steve M]
im gonna skip the part where i say sorry for bein shit at replyin to messages and ask somethin random instead: whats yr opinion on birthdays

[From here, still anon.] so uh. how was yr moon

anybody in town got a water pump i can borrow

Aug. 10th, 2018


Axel / Evans & Peel: opening (open) thread

Who: Open to anyone
What: The grand opening of the roller-rink and the speakeasy beneath it
Warnings: Doubtful

It was noise and chaos and loud above, and jazz below )

Jul. 31st, 2018


Gem: Rae & Kratos

Who: Rae and Kratos
What: Handy stuff!
Where: Gem
When: After this.
Warnings/Rating: Safe.

Rae’s eyes cooled, her hold on her coffee became somewhat more imperial. )

Jul. 29th, 2018




If you've a new love you'd like to woo or wish to indulge yourself after a missed connection, Gem is open. Custom jewelry, by appointment.

Jun. 30th, 2018


The carnival: Rae & Nel

Who: Rae and Nel
Where: The carnival
Warning: TBD

The carnival was not an audience and Rae didn't know yet what she wanted from it except the keen whetting of appetite )

Jun. 22nd, 2018



[As Rae B]

I'm curious to know where the poetry thing started. And what the weirdest use of the forum has been so far. Don't give me prosaic and dull, please.

Jun. 20th, 2018


Call: Kratos S

[Call: Kratos S]

[It's a flyer and she's looking at an empty space and boxes and whoever sticks their number on a flyer will do. It's late afternoon: five, maybe six and it's mid-week and the truck is on its way out of town. The phone rings, and the space echoes empty.]

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