August 2020




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May. 2nd, 2017



Is this thing still on?

Apr. 4th, 2017


Locked to Naila

[Locked to Naila]

I found out some information for you. As requested.

Jan. 29th, 2017


Melody B

[Phone call to Melody B. From Naila's private office number.]

Ring, ring!

Jan. 1st, 2017



Ringing in the new year with bubbles and stars. May this year be better than last!

Dec. 30th, 2016


Secret Santa Lock

[Locked to her Secret Santa]

Wow. Just-

Thank you.

It's really beautiful.

Dec. 22nd, 2016


Secret Santa Delivery: Melody Blake

[The present arrives double-boxed, a nondescript brown box encasing the tell-tale robin's egg blue. Inside, an expensive but understated necklace. The note tucked inside the box reads:

Merry Christmas!

Your Secret Santa

Oct. 12th, 2016



I've never seen the leaves change in person like this...

Sep. 18th, 2016


Melody B

[After witnessing this. As Naila A.]

Did you find employment?

Sep. 16th, 2016



Anyone hiring part-time help? Or something? Maybe?

[The entry gets deleted later in the day.]

Aug. 26th, 2016



Malware FOUND but can't be deleted. Searching for other solutions??

Aug. 25th, 2016


News: Repose

[Thursday evening, shortly after 10pm, the computer situation seems to resolve itself completely. All of those computers that were taken hostage, held captive, are suddenly right back to normal. The same can't be said about those that got 'fried', but not everything can be fixed.

Computers, however, do seem to be filled with many instances of the word 'sorry'. It's littered everywhere, on backgrounds, in web pages, in new text documents. There's no harm caused, but the words are there regardless.]


Melody: Narrative

Who: Melody Blake
What: Trying to fix a problem
Where: Abandoned house in the woods
When: Today

tick tock )


Melody B

[Locked to Melody B]

Chica, you around?

Aug. 24th, 2016


News: Repose

[On Wednesday, those with computers still held hostage may see their screens change. There's a new message, taunting:]

Tick tock, tick tock.

Can everyone hear that?

It's the sound of the clock ticking down until this little offer evaporates into the ether.

Just a measly $5000 to stop the clock and get back what I've taken hostage.

Tick tock.

Friday at midnight.

And then?



Aug. 16th, 2016


Isaiah B

[Text: Isaiah B]
[During this.]

You're meeting me at the carnival in 5 minutes. If you even think of arguing with me? I will shoot you.



[Frantically typed out, after this.]

Something's wrong with Eddie. I don't know what's wrong but something happened to him and I don't know what to do and can someone please please please help??? Carnival. My trailer. Hurry hurryhurryhurry

Aug. 14th, 2016



[Melody B.]
[After this. Eddie goes to Melody's trailer and bangs on the door until she opens up.]


News: Repose

[It happens promptly at midnight, Monday morning. Some computers throughout Repose just kind of... lock up. Rebooting does nothing to solve the problem, and eventually, the computer simply displays a single page.

It seems, dear citizens of Repose, that some of your computers are being held hostage.

Payment is demanded, as is the norm for these sorts of situations, a measly $5000 in order to have your computer (and its contents) restored. Payment is requested through an unfamiliar website, heavily secured and nearly impossible to trace back to its source. The time limit? Friday at midnight.

Attempts to restore the computer through other ways triggers the unpleasant effect of the circuitry simply catching fire.

The screen is worded politely, all pleases and thank yous, and it is signed simply by someone calling himself 'Daddy Dearest'.

Happy Monday, Repose. It's going to be a beautiful week.]

Aug. 1st, 2016



Is there anywhere that delivers out to the carnival?

Jun. 27th, 2016


Flash M, Gwen R, Melody B, Michael C, Eddie N, Stephanie M

[Very late.]

[Locked separately to: Flash M, Gwen R, Melody B, Michael C, Eddie N, & Stephanie M]
Hi, it's Steve from the facility. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

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