August 2020




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Apr. 18th, 2020


hugh c, noah nw, audrey c, misha b, liam r

[Hugh C.]

Strangeness is afoot in Repose again. From what I’ve seen, some people are having bad experiences. I hope all is well with you?

[Noah NW.]

Looks like I’m the one doing the checking in this time. How are you, Noah? I feel it has been a long while since we've last spoken.

[Misha B.]

[...] Are you really gone?

[Audrey C.]

I felt the urge to say hello, I hope that isn’t strange, since we don’t know each other that well? How are you?

[Liam R.]
[Never sent.]

Are you still dead?



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing.
Warning, this memory contains: Death.

You long to go hide in the bramble or fall off the face of the Earth )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Terminal illness and death.

... you know what this is costing ... )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Implied drug-dealing and extremely poor life choices

Your heartbeat is on your tongue )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: A government cover up?

You're not scared of what it is, just what it implies- )

Apr. 17th, 2020


[Not really news.]

[After these conversations, he packs his bag and heads out of town and to the Capital. He makes a stop at the dealer the anon hooked him up with, and he leaves no note for anyone, nor does he inform anyone he's going.]


public; audrey c.

Here I thought those autoplay videos on websites were bad.

[Audrey C., following this]
You alright, strawberry shortcake?



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Love feels

The hallway you walk down is long. )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Bad parenting

Your belly grumbles in class, and the kid next to you laughs. )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing one thing and viewing another.
Warning, this memory contains: Sunshine.

The feeling is warmth )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Creepy imagery.

It's eerily silent, the scene is cast in blues and moonlight. The faint sound of music catches your ears and you turn trying to find the source, but there's not a soul in sight. )

Apr. 16th, 2020


[Narrative // News // Open-ish I guess?]]

[Since Sunday D&D Automotive has been in a flurry of activity. Upon hearing and figuring out what was going on, new safety procedures were implemented from calls Dante frantically made to the employees and her co-owner to keep certain distances from machines, to use a buddy system and requiring random call-and-response from employees to make sure everyone's still safe and hasn't been sucked into a machine. As of Sunday evening anyone who brings their car into the shop - if they call first - will be instructed to park in the far side of the parking lot furthest away from the shop doors while still being in the same parking lot. From there, customers are met with a new set of temporary safety procedures. Long-standing customers of D&D Automotive would notice a staple of the shop parking lot is missing as Dante will not be driving Dart for the duration of whatever the hell this all is. Instead, Dante has been jogging to and from work every day for Tuesday through Saturday with stops over in the neighborhood to check in on her dad before and after work too. Anyone she passes on the way gets a wave and a smile and if they look like they really need help with something she’s likely to stop and try to assist as she’s generally worried about a lot of shit with all the memory crap floating around Repose right now.]



What: Memory.
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Viewing
Warning, this memory contains: Happiness! Y'all seem deprived of it!

It always smells like baking... )

Apr. 14th, 2020



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Feels, sadness, implied death

Thursdays. At three. )


Log: Tory W and Jamie M - Jamie's Apartment

Who: Tory W and Jamie M
What: Pizza and tequila and good ideas
Where: Jamie's apartment
When: After this and this
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 but the sex does happen

Come what may. )



[Posted soon after this and this]

I don't like this. It hurts. People? People hurt. They're scared too. When did this stop before?

I need an EXCEDRIN? An Excedrin. Please.

Apr. 13th, 2020


Aedan B.

[He doesn't say anything for a while after this, but eventually:]



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Dreams, nothing bad

They worship, you long, you wake )



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing it.
Warning, this memory contains: nightmares.

You jerk awake. )


[public, not anon]

[posted sometime after this delectable morsel.]

now that i see everyone else's life is going haywire with first person moodfucks...

while i await season 2 of hot boy sex, THIS SONG goes out to the owner of season 1.

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