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October 2nd, 2018

[info]isconfetti in [info]repose

[Outside arcade: Hannah & Stephanie]

Who: Hannah & Stephanie
What: A run-in
Where: Outside Eddie's closed arcade
When: Fuzzy nowish
Warnings/Rating: Probably nope!

Hannah missed Eddie. She liked him, and she missed him, and she liked to do silly things like walk past the closed arcade. It felt really him, and she had really positive feelings about Christmas spent with Eddie on the roof. He was a really good friend, and she didn't like seeing the windows of the arcade darkened. It was like seeing something slumbering that shouldn't be slumbering, and the town was a lot sadder without the lights on inside.

It was midday, and she was standing outside. She should have been at work, but she wasn't. She wasn't at either version of work, and she might get in trouble with the facility, but things there had been really crazy since the infrasound, and they weren't really paying attention to her right now. She didn't have any abilities to make her valuable. She wasn't susceptible to things like ultrasound, but she also wasn't human, and so she couldn't help very much when it came to a solution.

And so she had quiet days. There was time, time, and time, and she was walking to the coffee shop in grays and a red bag, and her bag held books inside. She had too many to really read, but she liked bringing a bunch, so she could read whatever she wanted to read when she sat down. But, first, she stopped outside the arcade, and she looked in the window.

[info]signpost in [info]repose

[Evans & Peel: Jack & Holly]

Who: Jack & Holly
What: Drinking!
Where: Evans & Peel
When: After this
Warnings/Rating: D for Drunk

Holly was wasted. He had literally no tolerance. As in, it was his first time drinking anything ever, and he'd selected a plastic bottle with a red label from the grocery store shelf. See, it was a label he knew, right? His dad had bought this stuff by the gallon. Sometimes Holly had bought it for him, because even the guy at the grocery store had known the bottles were for his dad, so he didn't card. His dad had gone through a bottle every two days, and he would drink it with, like, a splash of water and one ice cube. Dad didn't like the booze being diluted with other stuff, and that's how Holly did it. Well, without the ice cube. Holly didn't have a fridge, so there weren't ice cubes, but he did add a drop of water. It smelled exactly how he remembered, the booze, and it didn't bring back anything that resembled a good memory. It burned while it went down, but it hit him fast, and that was what he wanted. He wanted to be oblivious to, like, everything, and so that was a thing that absolutely happened.

Talking to Noah had also happened, and he knew Noah was going to meet him here later, and, okay, business transaction. It was a business transaction. Talking to Sunny had happened, and that had been the same kind of weird as every single conversation he had with someone who didn't know him at all. Dee was the same way, and Holly was officially done trying to tell people he knew them. It was like stages of denial or something, and he was... he was on whatever step this was, and this step sucked.

So, the Jack guy had offered free-better booze, and why not? Why not? He couldn't think of one legitimate reason to abstain. He was 22, and he was old enough to get in and drink, and he was already buzzed, so why not have something decent tasting? That was how he found himself heading down the stairs at the weirdest bar ever. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to find Jack, so he did the only logical thing. He weaved up to the bar in layers and black jeans, hair mussed and eyes bloodshot, and he loudly asked the bartender for 'my buddy Jack.'

[info]salesman in [info]repose

[Respectively: Lucy, Steve, Eames and Claire.]


[Mentally:] Are you here?

[Call to Steve R.]

[Before the above. Ring.]


How you feeling?

[Delivery: Claire J.]

[It's kind of a delivery, but not really. It's a little fire cracker the next time she closes her eyes to rest, not a scary one, but a little red and pink sparkler. It gives off a faint hint of warning, of caution, a feeling of tread lightly, and then it dies out.]

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

Narrative: Marta - and Noah

Who: Marta and Noah
What: Post-panic attack and drinking (and?)
Where: Clary House and then Evans & Peel
When: After Holly's message(s)
Warnings/Rating: Marta ratings. Past trauma, drinking. Will update if needed

It was so easy... )