August 2020



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September 18th, 2017

[info]maldito in [info]repose

Delivery: Patrick G (or his homestead)

[Delivery: Patrick G]
[After their conversation is halted.

Delivered by barn owl to the Clary House, if the owl spots Patrick there—or, if not, the Lookout, is a small package. It's wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine. Inside is a bar of Honeydukes Best Chocolate, a pair of Chocolate Frogs, a packet of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, and an ugly, homemade batch of Cauldron Cakes (they even bubble). Flattened by the twine is a scrap of parchment. Scrawled in crimson ink is a note. It reads:
Like a Cheering Charm, I know sweets will only bring a brief bout of good for you, darling, but I hope even that helps. If you've gone again through the chronometer, then do let me know when you've returned. I believe I owe you a tour of the case. And do know, however upsetting things are right now, they will get better. Of this, I promise you.

The package is delivered with a cooling charm on it, so that nothing melts if it must sit for a bit before being found, as well as an untasty deterrent to keep animals from it. It only allows itself to be opened by Patrick.]

[info]reposeverse in [info]repose

[News: Halloween]

[Monday, flyers are posted around town inviting all residents to a Halloween party at that strange mansion on the far side of the lake. The owner's family has lived in town since the town existed, and they say that the inside of the mansion is a strange and eclectic wonderland. The owner, who is a very old man now, has never allowed photographers inside, and the fact that he's opening the doors is a big deal. He promises a Halloween party like no other, and the flyers indicate that costumes are the only requirement for admittance.]