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May 3rd, 2017

[info]pesadilla in [info]repose

Marta F

[Locked to Marta "Sunshine" F]
Hey, Marta, you should talk to Flash. We were talking on the forums and he was talking about leaving. Idk what to do, but maybe you do.

[info]cursedwings in [info]repose


[Days after his message. She's not feeling at all settled in her skin, but at least words are (mostly) more than just random shapes at the moment. Not anon.]


[info]author in [info]repose


This town has a bookstore, right? Worth visiting?

[info]afrit in [info]repose

Cris M, Lou D, Daniel W

[Call to Cris]
[On her way back from NA. Ring.]

[Locked to Lou D]
Hey. Asshole.

[Locked to Daniel W]
I don't care where your ass is hiding or why. I'm coming over.

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Dahlia H, 'Bob', Newt, Public/anon

[Dahlia H]

[Fuzzy: post-taxi]


['Adrian M']

I almost called you Bob. How are you, Adrian?

[Newt P]

Your boyfriend and Cat met at that party.


If you spent the last part of the evening sitting with your feet in the pool and alongside someone drinking champagne, I probably should have looked you up earlier.

[info]imyourguy in [info]repose


[Holly R.]

Sorry I'm late on this, but did you find a new place to live?


The small business association informed me I should apologize for my "East Coast" temper. I sincerely apologize for being from New Jersey.

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Flash M]

[To Flash on the forums:] Hey, what's up? MJ says you were talking about leaving?

[After a bit.] Seriously, we're doing this? You're not going to reply?

[Later.] Talk to me?

[Via text after the forum doesn't work:] Ignoring me? Super mature.

[And even later:] Lip, I mean it. Is everything okay? Talk to me?

[And after that, a phonecall. Ring. Ring. Ring...]

[And then...]

[info]nobounds in [info]repose

call: flash m

[After this, he tries Flash's number.]

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Cat C

[Fuzzy timelines. Pre-Corinthian at Claire's and after getting a new phone. Voice to text.]

I'm sorry for the verbal diarrhea.

[info]fuadan in [info]repose

Sasha J

You in the mood to kick a little ass?

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Matt D, Reece E

[Locked to Matt D]
Hello, darling.

[Text to Reece E]
Pay attention to me immediately.