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April 5th, 2017

[info]reposefeelings in [info]repose

Float'n'boat log

Who: Nirvana & Kill the Crow
What: floating, boating, revealing
Where: the Lake
When: just after plot (and this)
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Perhaps friendship was mundane. He liked it all the same. )

[info]reposefeelings in [info]repose


I'm looking for a man who wore leather and wanted to dance in the woods. You quoted Beyoncé and we talked about promises. Did you make it home safely?

[info]cursedwings in [info]repose

[Raven: Morning-after]

Who: Raven
What: Reveal(ish), narrative, news(ish)
Where: The woods and Cisco's RV
When: The morning after
Warnings/Rating: None.

She was no longer ordinary )

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

Arcade: Marta and Flash

Who: Marta and Flash
What: Arcade Time
Where: Repose's Arcade
When: The day after the day after
Warnings/Rating: Possibly. Will update if needed. Probably some depression/angst/issues at the least.

Laundry quarters in her pocket (as promised), she walked toward the arcade )

[info]kayo in [info]repose

[Gunster Sibs]

[Connie G]
so on a scale of one to r. kelly how stuck are you somewhere this time

[Patrick G]
you go?? or were you too busy with the boy scouts?

[info]reposefeelings in [info]repose


Did you find someone to drown you?

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Newt P, Louis D, "Nameless"

[Newt P]

Did you survive that?

[Louis D]

I would be remiss to ask if that went somewhere on the scale between awful and wonderful.


Were you pitched into a night of everyone lacking names, or did you sit that dance out?

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Claire J

Is it my turn to do check-ins? Checking in, now you.

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

Woods: Atticus & Cisco

Who: Atticus & Cisco
What: Retrieval
Where: The woods
When: Sunrise, and beyond
Warnings/Rating: Sickness

The burning in his shoulder had become too much to bear. Knew that was dramatic. Knew that sounded dramatic. Had read it in fiction over and over, and had always thought it was a copout. Lazy writing. Didn't explain how something felt. Hadn't ever understood until this moment. His shoulder had become too much to bear.

The wound, which stuck to a dark sweater that was sopping in sweat, was red, angry and raised at the edges. His arm screamed when he moved it. Another phrase he understood better now. His arm screamed when he moved it, and his body fevered as it tried to fight off infection. Like a transplant that a body wanted to reject, Atticus' body was attempting to reject the bite. Knew the science behind it. Stephen had explained it all. Atticus, in turn, had tried to explain it to Matt. Wasn't something that could be healed. Just needed to run its course. The moon was soon. If he survived the moon, then he would be out of the water.

Out of the water. That phrase was a better one. More visual, while being less descriptive. That phrase could stay. Muddled thoughts as he crawled away from the lakehouse. The sun was up now, but the air was still freezing. Was freezing himself, despite the sopping sweat that dripped fat droplets from the end of his raggedy curls. Had been a hard month. Had more than a few days' growth on his cheeks. Looked a mess. Felt a mess.

Slumped against a tree. Closed his eyes. The burning in his shoulder had become to much to bear. He yelled. Wasn't exactly a howl, but it was close. He yelled. Head tipped back. Eyes closed. Was the last bit of energy he had, but the fuck you issued to the sky felt meaningful. This entire situation reminded him of a vampire and a cellar, and he was supremely tired of this bullshit.

[info]steadyhands in [info]repose

Public, [Bat-mansion+], MJ W


Somebody had a knightly night. I owe you a drink.


Is everyone not in need of medical attention?

[MJ W]

Hey. You okay?

[info]pesadilla in [info]repose

Cat C, Jude C, Text: Harry R

[Locked to Cat C]
Hey, boss.

[Locked to Jude C]
How'd it go at the party, sport?

[Text: Harry R]

[info]mareas in [info]repose

Destiny S, Newt P, Public

Did you buy your canoe, captain?

[Locked to Destiny S]
What kind of guy would I be if I didn't check on my soon-to-be dinner companion?

[Locked to Newt P]
Yo, friend to animals everywhere, you make it out all right?

[info]reposefeelings in [info]repose


You were looking to start a new society in the woods based on secrets. I was the girl who wanted furs and gold.