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January 15th, 2017

[info]ripe in [info]repose

Log: The Townhouse; Matt & Destiny

Who: Destiny, Matt, and Wyatt.
What: Room mates being social.
Where: Destiny's room
When: Current

[Most of the morning had been spent doing laundry. It warmed the girl's heart to no end that none of the boys had opted for booting her out of the townhouse once Michael had taken his leave of the place. Carver's insistence that she stay felt like the sweetest thing to happen to her in such a long time that Destiny felt like she'd been floating on a cloud ever since the new year began. As some form of repayment to the mass generosity from the men of the house, Destiny occupied herself with most of the housework, which wasn't much at all considering that everybody at the house was frequently away or working or just otherwise tidy. Sometimes, she baked. Destiny wasn't any sort of spectacular cook, considering that the only person she ever really had to cook for was Wyatt(whose diet generally consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches and apple slices).

Today, she'd made a small batch of Russian tea cookies because it was a simple recipe that reminded her of her mother. Destiny left them on a plate on the kitchen counter with a little index card note ordering anyone and everyone to dig in.

Her bedroom door was open with invitation, it usually was unless Wyatt was sleeping. Speaking of Wyatt, the boy was seated upon the bed, perched with pillows while watching Disney's Princess and the Frog on an out-of-date laptop. Rocky, the terrier was snoring in a chair. The hedgehog and pig weren't to be seen, but both had a tendency to tuck themselves away when napping, so Destiny assumed that the pair were probably under the bed.

The laundry on the bed(a load of towels) was fresh from the dryer, giving her whole room that cozy smell of warm cotton and floral fabric softener. She folded the towels one at a time, and sang along with the song in the movie. She sang with not even a small bit of skill, but Wyatt grinned his approval and rocked his head from side to side, enjoying her efforts.]

[info]agentacrobat in [info]repose

[Quicklog - Dick and Misha - Batmansion]

Who: Dick and Misha
What: Meeting in the kitchen
Where: Batmansion - Kitchen
When: Night time
Warnings/Rating: Nah

[It was pretty late, Dick had just gotten in a bit ago, gone to his room and changed into street clothes, blue jeans and a white tee shirt. It hadn't been a terrible day, he stayed mostly put together, he even did his paperwork and finished his shift with little incident.

He was trying his best not to think about the number of things that could go wrong if, well, he went wrong on the job. Talk about the picture of irresponsibility.

Of course nothing had gone wrong today, so this called for celebration, and by celebration that meant a mixing bowl size bowl of some kind of sugar filled cereal. He was opting for the coco puffs this time around, and was just pouring the milk in when he heard foot steps headed toward the kitchen. He pulled down another bowl just in case. Not a mixing bowl, he was the lone mixing bowl cereal eater in this house. As far as he could remember at least.]

[info]notuptoyou in [info]repose

Public; Secret Santa


Where does one find good Ramen in this town? Please tell me the Capital is not my only hope.

[To her Secret Santa]

Thank you, truly. The book was a delight.

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

PJ, Ramsey, Connie G, Cris M

[Call to PJ R]
[Very late. 3 am? Ring.]

[Locked to Connie G]
Thoughts on vampires who lose their minds and think it's the 19th century?

[Locked to Cris M]
Still talking to him?

[info]wants in [info]repose

Misha B, Sam A, Jude C

[Locked to Misha B]
Hey, chico.

[Locked to Sam A]
Hey, mami.

[Locked to Jude C]
Gringito, you gotta minute?