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January 14th, 2017

[info]thefixer in [info]repose


Who: Jude
What: Narrative, post boom.
When: Evening at the Cat / fuzzy
Warnings: Nada.

Centralia and he'd thought about the way it would look long after he'd read it, a fingerprint of a memory in so many that had been about people instead )

[info]steadyhands in [info]repose

[Batmansion, Bruce W, MJ W]


[The Manor for a little while, at least smells like bread and sweetness and if any of the - long list - of house occupants stops past the kitchen - there's pastelitos sitting out and bread in the pantry.]

[Bruce W]

you comfortable?

[MJ W]

so you okay with a visit to that bar? I figure if we both feel awkward as hell there's beer right there.

[info]notuptoyou in [info]repose

[Call to Manning T.]

[Back on New Year's Day]


[info]badtime in [info]repose


[Frank C.]
[Some chocolate chip cookies mysteriously appear in the carriage house before she writes him a message.]

I had extra cookies I needed to get off my hands. Patrick has baby mouth.

[info]tinieblas in [info]repose

[Ryan Manor: Gwen, Perry, Harry]

Who: Gwen, Perry, Harry
What: Lunch!
Where: Harry's house on the lake
When: Lunch-ish, now-ish
Warnings/Rating: Goblins and spiders?

Gwen and Perry had agreed to meet at Harry's, but it was way too cold for Gwen to ride her bike out to the big houses by the lake. So, she called for an Uber (which someone at the facility had taught her was an option for transportation), and she arrived at Harry's in a super short time. It was about five minutes before she was meant to meet Perry, and she wandered around the gates that led into Harry's palatial home. Under her boots, the ground crunched, and she was super glad she'd layered a long-sleeved tee under her sweater. Her denim skirt was short, but the blue stocking she wore under it were thick and warm, and her tan boots reached to her knees and were super good for walking on the frozen ground. It felt maybe kind of like it might snow, but she couldn't be sure. She thought all the physical requirements were present for snow, but sometimes nature seemed to dismiss physical requirements (which made limited sense to the girl that was currently tugging her mittens more securely onto her cold fingers).

Surprisingly, she wasn't really worried about this social interaction. Harry was being unpredictable in his behavior, but Gwen thought Perry might be really good at this particular version of Harry Ryan. It wasn't that she believed Harry (currently) to be more similar to the version Perry had known, but Perry cared about Harry, and she thought that counted for a lot. And, too, she felt super glad that she'd informed Harry about her particular circumstances. She'd felt bad about her previous deception, and now that was behind them. With any luck, she'd walk out of here with a super good idea of how Harry had been altered, and maybe they could devise a plan to proceed.

[info]thefixer in [info]repose

Misha B, Louis D, Cat C

[After the hangover.]

[misha b]

hi, sunshine. any better today?

[louis d]

how convinced are you daniel's emptied out of the music store?

[cat c]

mind if i take a couple of days?