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December 21st, 2016

[info]reposeanon in [info]repose

Secret Santa; Sasha

[Sasha's gift is left on her desk in her office on her desk, even if it was locked. Using this wrapping paper here and inside is this box]

[info]reposeanon in [info]repose

Secret Santa Delivery: Jeze K

[Santa said you were going to regret this, Jeze. The first gift is reasonable enough. The package contains a few small wrapped boxes. The first box just holds a piece of chiseled rock that has no way to authenticate its exact origin since it's pretty illegal. It looks right. The rest of the items are secondary: a crystal necklace, a vest that reminds Santa of druids, and a bracelet that does have an official statement of where the stones came from.

The second gift package is a whole lot heavier. Again the top box has a seemingly inconspicuous component within. No way to authenticate it, but there is some Russian stamped along the back. The other boxes are secondary: some random packs of astronaut food (1, 2, 3, 4), a glass necklace, and the massive meteorite which is what is weighing the box down.]

[info]reposeanon in [info]repose

Secret Santa Delivery: Louis D

[The gift is delivered while the conversation is ongoing. In brown paper wrapping and tied with brown thread, a lot of three scent bottles. Inside each there is a bit of liquid. One bottle gleams gold, and its label whispers Safe. One bottle swirls red, and its label proclaims Happy. One bottle glitters blue, and its label reads Calm. There is no note accompanying, but the bottles don't feel ominous. The sender assumes questions will be forthcoming.]

[info]reposeanon in [info]repose

Delivery: Svetlana K

[The white box is plain, with only a bright red sticky bow attached at the top. Inside is a .45 S&W (as it has slightly less recoil than the .40 or the .357) Sig Sauer P226, DA/SA trigger. And, as requested, the serial number is missing. Счастливого Рождества Svetlana.]

[info]reposeanon in [info]repose

Special Delivery for Dahlia H

[So, Santa worked a little magic and there's a late flight leaving out to Las Vegas the night of the 21st. Inside the envelope (addressed only to Dahlia H.) are two plane tickets, first class (you're fucking welcome, Hostile) for her and Jezebelle K. The tickets are transferrable if that's too ASAP,

Upon arrival, there's a very polite driver waiting to ferry them around Las Vegas as they desire and to finally take them to their hotel room. Maybe Santa was feeling a little generous when he booked them a 10 night stay. Ah, well. Included in the envelope is a pre-paid Visa with a very generous allowance on it. The driver will remain at their beck and call until it's time to return to the airport. Merry Christmas, Hostile.]

[info]reposeanon in [info]repose

Secret Santa Delivery: Oliver K

[All items are delivered in Amazon boxes. Canvases in a variety of sizes. A digital collection of classic violin music, along with something more contemporary. And a few helpful books.]