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June 9th, 2016

[info]pesadilla in [info]repose

Cat C, Gwen R, Harry R, Matt D

[Locked to Cat C]
Are you okay?

[Locked to Gwen R]
Hi. I talked to Jason a little.

[Locked to Harry R]
So, slugger, how's it hanging?

[Locked to Matt D]
Pls tell me you haven't left town.

[info]flashofvenom in [info]repose


[Call to Gwen]
[Before heading over to MJ's. Ring ring!]


Where the fuck is this town's gym?

[info]steadfastness in [info]repose

cat c., sasha j., jason w.

[locked to cat c.]

How's the leg, kitty cat?

[locked to sasha j.]

I owe you so many movie dates. I'm? Literally the worst.

[locked to jason w.]

Hey, kiddo. Long time, no see.

[info]skinned in [info]repose

Narrative: Ronan X

Who: Ronan Xander
Where: The home that doesn't feel like his home anymore.
When: Monday night
Warnings/Rating: Avoidant behaviour/PTSD

But this place wasn’t supposed to be like their old homes, the cities where it seemed more inevitable for their lives to be uprooted and churned by the supernatural into a sour froth and swirling silt that lapped at their ankles and threatened to swallow whole. None of this was supposed to be like the old things, their old lives that had been both together and apart. )

[info]thefixer in [info]repose

seven + jude: late

Who: Seven + Jude
When: Aftermath of the Facility stuff
Warnings: TBD.

The thing of it was, people didn't stop drinking. )

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Cat C

[Locked to Cat C]
[After this and catching up on a tiny bit of news.]

Were you there? Is that where you've been?

[info]tinieblas in [info]repose

[Out: Gwen & Felicity]

Who: Gwen & Felicity
What: Run-in
Where: Repose sidewalk
When: Nighttime
Warnings/Rating: Unlikely!

Gwen could hear the sounds from across the hall. She'd tried to tune them out with earbuds and Star Wars, but she was totally too curious, and she kept turning the movie volume down. She wasn't deliberately eavesdropping or anything, but she had this crazy feeling in her stomach that wasn't good, and she didn't have any logical way to describe the sensation. It was kind of like nausea, but not, and maybe she was sad, but she wasn't super sure about that, either. Sad was something she didn't have a lot of first-hand experience with (which probably sounded way weird). But when she'd woken up at the facility in New York over a year earlier, everything had been blank. Now, stuff wasn't blank anymore, and it was happening so fast that she was having trouble labeling reactions and emotions, and understanding them was even harder.

She only knew that she didn't feel great, and that she didn't want to sit and listen to the chatter from next door.

She didn't have to work that night, and she'd already gone by work and left a note for her employer, apologizing for her absence and promising it wouldn't happen again. But she didn't have a shift for another day, and she was totally nervous about going to the facility with Jason in the morning and facing the head scientist. Ergo, she got dressed in a t-shirt and skinny jeans, and she stepped out into the Repose night.

It was super warm, and she still loved being outside so much that she didn't even keep track of where she was walking. She just walked, feeling completely safe, and listening to her new sneakers on the sidewalk. She tied her hair up in a messy copper topknot, and she tucked her earbuds in, and she sang along in snippets that didn't really sound all that good.