August 2020



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May 1st, 2016

[info]signpost in [info]repose

Daniel W

[Locked to Daniel W]
[After hearing about this on the news.]

Mon cher, what has happened?

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

[News: Wainright Manor]

[On the heels of this, and once Stephanie is safely at Eddie's cabin, Cat decides it is absolutely time to blow off some steam. Not that she's upset about any of it. Of course not. Reece disappearing? Eddie reminding her of her failed love life? Stephanie coming back, and the realization that everyone she knows is forgetting things and losing time? Helena not knowing her? Even Sasha's voodoo god? Of course none of it bothers her. She just needs a night. And her truck? Much too conspicuous and nowhere near fun enough.

So, and without even an iota of concern, she steels some of Bruce's wheels. A bike, to be specific. A prototype of some kind or another, and it's a nice matte black with fat wheels and killer speed. She considers leaving the Wainright pearls behind, kind of like an exchange program, but she decides against it. After all, they look very good on her.

As for her plans? She's heading to the Capital and, well, let's just say those pearls are going to have some companionship before the night's out.]

[info]loud in [info]repose

Daniel W

[After the Bathroom Incident.]

Locked to Daniel W )

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Jude C, Dickie G, Matt D

[Group lock: Jude C, Dickie G, Matt D]
[After this.]

There's a girl coming to interview next week. If I'm not there when she arrives? Be nice to her. Her name's MJ.

[info]nobounds in [info]repose

[locks to dick g, gwen s, bruce w, ra's a]

[locked to dick g]

Hey. Hear you're rolling around again.

[locked to gwen r]

Recovered from MJ yet?

[locked to bruce w]

Still kicking around?

[locked to ra's a]

I want to talk to you.

[info]strikethose in [info]repose

[locked to sam a]

How are you?