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January 6th, 2016

[info]carnivalking in [info]repose

log: eddie/cat/sasha breaking & entering

Who: Edison, Cat & Sasha
What: thieving the day away
Where: eddies house -> an abandoned house
When: the night after the party (a little over 12 hours later)
Warnings/Rating: probably some violence and spooky stuff

Edison kicks a train and then goes home )

[info]reposeverse in [info]repose

[Plot end: Winter Train]

[As the train pulls into Repose's abandoned train station, the lights flicker back on. They don't turn on bright and garish, blinding. Seemingly considerate, they flicker to life slowly, shadows at first and then more, giving those in torrid embraces a chance to flee before they're recognized. But, after a few minutes, the train is as brightly lit as when the evening began. The tables in the dining car are messy with plates abandoned, and the sleeping compartments feature sheets mussed and in need of wash, and the piano bar is sticky from drinks spilled. But, generally, everything is as it should be. Beyond, Repose is waking, the sun just rising and a crisp chill in the air.

The train will linger in the station long enough for all passengers to disembark. Then the train will become a story once more, until the next generation experiences it for themselves. For now, the station goes dormant, the doors once again locked, and everything returns to how it was.]

[info]carnivalking in [info]repose


[Juliet J.]
[Before this.]




[info]reposetrain in [info]repose

Who: an offering
What: Reveal!
When: Disembarking the train
Warnings/Rating: None in particular

The darkness was a friend. )

[info]wants in [info]repose

Winter Train: Sam A & Cris M

Who: Sam Alexander & Cris Martin
What: the lights come on
Where: the train
When: directly after this
Warnings/Rating: TBD, at least language

He could call it dancing, 'cause nobody could see it was anything different. )

[info]reposetrain in [info]repose


Who: Mémoires
What: Reveal!
When: Before the lights went up, immediately after this.
Warnings/Rating: Some uncomfortable theme stuff

Go ahead. )

[info]reposetrain in [info]repose

[reveal / open to they seemed sad]

Who: Locked In [open to They Seemed Sad; Like Trees In November]
What: Reveal! and maybe more
When: Disembarking the train
Warnings: probably none

He didn't want to let go )

[info]reposetrain in [info]repose


Who: Corpus
What: Reveal/Injury
Where: Train and Home
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Injuries, bad self-care

She'd known what it was that she'd faced in the dark )

[info]atrophy in [info]repose

Sasha J, Angel, Michael C, Sylvie M, Cat C

[After getting home and sleeping it off.]

[Locked to Sasha J]
Soooo, did you have a fun Train ride?

[Locked to Angel]
Did you make it to the train?

[Locked to Michael C]
Limb and digit check.

[Locked to Sylvie M]
Is it awkward to ask if you sucked anyone's blood?

[Locked to Cat C]
[After starting and stopping a few times...] Heyyy.

[info]jukejoint in [info]repose

Daniel W

[Locked to Daniel W]

Something awful's happened. I must bounce.

[info]inspiteofcages in [info]repose

[locked to Kyle V]

Ugh. Entire bottle of champagne to myself was a bad idea. And I struck out. Twice. Remind me never to fix my hair if the lights are going to go out.

What about you? Hungover greasy breakfast food?

[info]scholarrose in [info]repose

[Locked to Mathias, Ward, and Kayos]

[Locked to Mathias]

Not to judge, but the lights going out wasn't you was it?

[Locked to Ward]

So. How was your night?

[Locked to Kayos]

Trains with Christmas themes and the lights going out. I'm assuming you had a great time?

[info]atthemoon in [info]repose

[Call to the Bakery.]

[Bakery phone. Ring ring.]

[info]brawlsandsnakes in [info]repose


Tylenol PM and Red Bull does not require your judgment, little pharmacy clerk. I'm a doctor.

[info]reposetrain in [info]repose


There was a guy. We talked a little.

You told me a little about high school.

Are you out there?

[info]skinned in [info]repose

Call to Ben S.

[From a curb in the train station's car park.]


[info]thefixer in [info]repose

Oliver K, Harper L, Selina C, Sasha J, Daniel W, Public

[Oliver K]

[From en-route to the bar]

alive, sunshine?

[Harper L]

how's trouble? i heard on the grapevine you're back in town.

ETA: harp, daniel is freaking the fuck out. where are you?

[Selina C]

thanks for the bonus vacation, ms. c.

[Sasha J]

magical night had by all?

[Daniel W]


checking you aren't dead following convivial town celebrations, ergo not paying rent.


reading music in the dark. who were you?

[info]reposetrain in [info]repose


[As if the conversation never ended, though he was half-blinded by the lights when they came on, and stumbled out.]

You think people are out to get you?

[info]reposetrain in [info]repose


Missed connections, is it? You were kind enough to offer me alcohol in a time of need. And a bit more than that.

ETA: After much talk of this being too vague and no answer, I'll say I crowned you the most drunk man. Is that enough?

[info]bene_placito in [info]repose

[Claire J.]

[Claire J.]

[After this.]


[info]nobounds in [info]repose

[locked to 'the demon']

[While waiting.As 'The Hood.']

Are these forums secure?

[info]tinieblas in [info]repose

Facility: Gwen & Jason

Who: Gwen & Jason
What: Returning "home"
Where: Area-52, Dragon Lab
When: Immediately after the train ride
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Gwen didn't have any formal attire. )

[info]kingmath in [info]repose

[Mathias L. and Claire J.]

Who: Mathias Lockwood and Claire Johnson
Where: fifty yards from the music store
When: afternoon, post-train
What: doesn't like a no go zone
Warnings: tbc

If there was one thing in life that Mathias hated, it was being given boundaries. Just knowing they existed made him want to push against them, whatever they were. Mathias didn't like to live by other people's rules. So, once Dorian had told him that the area around the music store seemed to have some kind of holy ground shit going on, of course that was the first place that he headed.

Just as naturally, his scholastically minded little brother was perfectly correct in his assessment. Now Mathias sat on a bench, just a couple of yards back from the invisible spot on the sidewalk beyond which his skin would start to crawl, like some type of attack of invisible fire ants.

As much as Math's pose on the bench was all relaxation, arms stretched along the back, pulling the material of his thin white t-shirt tight across his chest, jacketless despite the winter weather - he had never been one to feel the cold and as a result, he didn't actually own much in the way of winter wear - he was glaring toward the store and its exclusion zone. Even more so at the people who carelessly walked across that area where his kind was so clearly unwelcome, not only without ill effect, but also seemingly happier for being there, though Mathias doubted that many of them even appreciated that fact.

Clearly something had been done. Clearly someone in town knew something, and enough with that to be subtle. That not knowing who or what ate at Math almost as much as the boundary itself, making him half tempted to swallow the pain and force his way through to the centre. For now, though, he merely sat and watched, waiting for something, though as of yet he knew not what.