Dec. 16th, 2014


I hate this time of year, but it's greatly improved by the dorm room surroundings and the lack of screaming from the walls the responsibilities of the season

Dec. 7th, 2014


Journal Entry | Theo #1

Despite the fact that I don't trust the Prophet as far as I can throw it, what it is claiming to report is as baffling to me as the term 'journalistic integrity' is to it's reporters

A crime increase with no clear cause yet a Ministry response to an unproven theory which appears as though it will also have an impact on sales and income in the biggest Wizarding shopping areas at the busiest shopping time of the year?

Maybe these clever Muggles who have managed to steal magic from us should have a go at advising the Ministry
Just as well I'm not in the retail business.

Sep. 27th, 2014



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