October 14th, 2010

[info]firephilic in [info]remodeled

☼ 001 [video]

[Someone, someone isn’t good with technology, is too proud and too mistrustful to ask. Maybe you've seen him around, the sulky guy in the corner, or maybe you've heard him trying to demand answers from staff. Mr. Pleasant Face, all scar and scowl. Well, it's him again. His first time using this thing, though, and a little late on it.

He’s still frowning, looking diligently focused and faintly aggravated trying to make sense of the device – recording, specifically - she’d explained it too fast, explained it like he should know and he doesn’t. It’s been on for some time, a minute or two, before he realizes it: the symbol that meant recording, he remembered. Finally. The surprised look lasts a second before turning annoyed.]

This is ridiculous. Look around, you're all saying the same things. Is it really necessary?

[ Yep, he's complaining. More because no one is doing anything and he's itching to fix this. He pauses though, frowning, scowling, a long moment passing before he speaks up. ]

What I want to know is, does anyone remember any of this stuff? The stuff they're saying we'll remember or the stuff here, like this... thing. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

[info]f0rgetmen0t in [info]remodeled

[action I closed]

Who: Xion, Axel, Roxas
Where: Cafeteria
When: Lunchtime!
What: Awkward. Derping. Probably woobing? It's time for a reunion! :D

Guess who finally left her room? )

[info]firephilic in [info]remodeled

[action / complete]

Who: Lavi & Zuko
Where: Cafeteria.
When: Mid-day..ish.
What: It's always a smart idea to have an ally in a place like this. Particularly for scheming.

stand for nothing less )
Tags: , ,

[info]chatty_eyes in [info]remodeled

[Video] then [Text]

[The camera clicks on to see a large, golden-coloured eye taking up most of the lense.]

[The eye blinks a few times. Its owner seems to realise what she is doing wrong, and backs away to reveal a pale girl with dark hair staring at the camera intently.]

[She cocks her head to the side, and knocks on the side of the device with her hand.]

[The camera fades out for a few minutes, but rattling noises can still be heard as the girl tries to get used to the controls of the device.]

[Text appears.]


[The blinker waits for a little bit, and eventually spits out the following.]

My name is Chane.

I have seen unbelievable things in my lifetime.

But I cannot believe any of this.