Reiki Energy Healing
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Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

    Time Event
    Mention of Reiki in Woman’s Day Magazine
    In the June 1, 2008 issue of Woman’s Day their Health Advisory Board expert, John Pan, MD, answers questions about alternative remedies:

    My friend swears by reiki. What is it?

    Reiki means “universal energy” in Japanese, and the concept is that we all have energy flowing through out bodies. When that energy is blocked or low, it can lead to a variety of symptoms, ranging from pain in a specific body part to general stress and tension. A reiki practitioners (or “master”) channels energy and transfers it from himself to you by placing his hands above or lightly on your body. It might sound hokey, but I really think reiki works. In fact, we often use it in my practice. Some people benefit right away, but most people need two to three treatments to see results.

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