Reiki Energy Healing
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Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

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    I've been noticing a thought lately within myself. It's not one I had consciously to begin with but I figured out what it was and why it was bothering me.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm "cheating" by using Reiki on myself. I'm not sure why or what my mind would consider "not cheating" though. I guess because I just have to put my hands there and then things start to happen and it's not even my energy making it happen I feel lazy or something.

    Maybe it's some unhealthy hangup about deserving or not deserving. But for example if I take a walk and then feel good then I feel like it's my hard work that made me feel good.

    Any thoughts on this? I'm sure it's just something I need to get over and will. Anyone have any affirmations or anything?

    Current Mood: curious

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