Reiki Energy Healing
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Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

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    Reiki coupled with Pranic Healing
    I attended a healing circle where we learned how to utilize Pranic healing techniques.

    Using colors with pranic breath (breathing deep from your abdomen) you have to be careful because some colors can overwhelm a person. Light green is really good to use and you essentially visualize a ring of light green around white prana, projecting it forth from your heart chakra into your hands to the affected area on another person.

    I found that my inserting the Reiki symbols within the white prana, visualizing them there in an off white – that the healing was heightened and that it provided a buffer for the intense energy.

    I recommend the book Your Hands Can Heal You by Master Stephen Co & Eric B. Robins, M.D. Much of the writing is done by a doctor who uses holistic healing techniques on his patients and documents case histories.

    It tells you about Pranic breathing, Energy manipulation, Energetic hygiene, Energy-generation exercises, a Self-healing guide, Meditations, Using colors, and much more.

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