Mar. 20th, 2011


The first signs of spring are showing at Camelot, and no one's more glad of this than Lynet. After what's seemed like endless long afternoons sitting with her sister and some of the other women, embroidering or mending or whatever else they make her do, she's eager for better weather and longer days. In a matter of weeks, travel will start to seem like something that makes sense -- even if it's damp and tedious sense -- and perhaps then she and Gaheris will finally head north, to Orkney.

They've been wed not even half a year, but Lynet can safely say she's happy. They're beginning, at last, to figure out one another's moods. Lynet's grateful that she likes him as much as she did at the start -- more, even. She'd thought, at the beginning, that she might love him. Now she knows she does. But she feels she'd know him better if she knew where he'd come from, what his home is like.

And so this evening, she's waiting for him in their little room, one of his books on her lap. If he's in a good enough humor, perhaps they can talk about it.

May. 3rd, 2010


Wedding Day

Gaheris looks suitably traumatised throughout their wedding (the whispers in the crowd vary: that she forced him to marry, that he forced her, that the king decreed it because no woman would willingly have him; pity for her to be tied to him; but to be honest the attention is on Gareth and Lyonors, the both of whom look stunning--Lyonors in her gold and white silk, Gareth with his shining smile and halo of gold hair, both looking delighted--they're more than enough to eclipse Gaheris and Lynet). He's managed to dig up a decent tunic (to be honest it's borrowed from Mordred), and Gawain made him a wedding gift of a parcel of property on one of the Orkney isles. The ring he purchased is copper.

Gareth weds his lady proudly, and Gaheris afterwards fumbles nervously to put the ring on Lynet's finger, but after that the rest of the service is mercifully brief, and a few moments later Gareth and Lyonors are being congratulated by half the court, and Gaheris is free to lean against one of the tables, shaking a little.

Apr. 28th, 2010


Gaheris/Lynet Backstory

The rest of the trip back to Camelot was tiring, but thankfully uneventful. Lynet had taken nearly every proper opportunity to talk to Gaheris, which seemed to unsettle him a bit, but there was something about him she liked. And, as she'd already said, he was more interesting and less relentlessly cheerful than Gareth. They'd been met at court with all appropriate celebration; Gareth had proven himself, Lyonors seemed taken with him, and eventually Lynet was just grateful to be shown to her chambers.

She and her sister had both spent the better portion of the first day back resting and recovering. By the afternoon of the second day, Lynet found herself already bored and restless. Gaheris' offer of book-lending was more than enough excuse to seek him out.

She's spent some time now poking about and asking anyone who would spare a minute if they knew where he might be found. It seems Gaheris is too shy to be easily found, if indeed the person at hand even knows who he is. At last, she gives up, and heads toward a sitting room where she is fairly certain there will be a book or two. If not, at least there will be a window she might sit near.

Apr. 23rd, 2010


Lynet/Gary backstory

Gaheris meets up with his brother by mistake, just after Gareth's successful rescue of the lady Lynors from the Castle Perilous. Honestly he's just getting back from a side quest that Arthur gave him because it wouldn't actually involve any actual effort when he runs across their small party.

He's suitably awkward around Lynors and Lynet, and only mildly more comfortable with Gareth. When night falls, he offers to stand watch by the fire. Gareth's glad for the rest, and he's quickly settled in for the night, greatly cautious of Lyonors' comfort.

Gaheris, for his part, finds a patch of not-too-dew-damp ground, and wraps his cloak rightly around himself to prepare for the watch.