Red Magic: A Willow-centric Fic and Art Asylum

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July 24th, 2007

04:15 pm - Drabble: The Empty Rock(Willow/Spike) FRT/PJ
Title: The Empty Rock

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: FRT/PG

Word Count: 118

Summary: *Set during Season Six* It's because they both love Buffy.

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: My LJ, my IJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This was written for the oh-so-lovely and oh-so-generous [info]shannon730.

The Empty Rock )

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July 18th, 2007

10:55 pm - drabble: Safe (willow/spike)
Fandom: BTVS
Title: Safe
Author: Shannon
Theme(s): 15. Nightmare
Pairing/Characters: Willow/Spike
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/claimer: Not mine, they belong to Joss Whedon, ME, UPN, FOX, WB
Summary: She felt safe with him.
Notes: This is for [Bad username: ”velvetwhip”] who needs some non-Harry Potter posts.

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July 17th, 2007

03:21 pm - Icons by Tazi
Genre: Het, femslash
Pairings: Willow/Giles, Willow/Kennedy, Willow/Spike, Willow/Angel, Willow/Oz

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If you take please comment and credit.
Bases may be personalized.
No hotlinking.

Enjoy. TT

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July 13th, 2007

09:29 am - Drabble: Icarus in Flames (Willow/Spike) FRT/PG
Title: Icarus in Flames

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: FRT/PG

Word Count: 322

Summary: *Set during Season Six* There's truth hidden in infidelity.

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: My LJ, my IJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This was written for Purplefeen, because she's my friend and I love her.

Icarus in Flames )

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June 30th, 2007

09:02 pm - Drabble: Wax (Willow/Spike) FRT-13/PG-13
Title: Wax

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: FRT-13/PG-13

Word Count: 146

Summary: The candles mark the time.

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: My LJ, my IJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: Written with the most profound gratitude for [info]lilbreck.

Wax )

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June 26th, 2007

02:23 pm - Icons by tazi
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If you take please comment and credit.
Do not hotlink.

Enjoy. TT

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June 24th, 2007

09:38 am - Drabble: Sometimes We Are Saved (Willow/Spike) FRT-13/PG-13
I actually wrote this last night, before I wrote It Will Always Be Raining, but I waited to post it until today because today is [info]shannon730's birthday and it seemed fitting to post on the day. I realize that it, too, is set post-NFA, but I hope there are enough differences to make it worthwhile. Shannon wanted Spillow and angst and she got both...except, it's sort of not quite Spillow, except that it'll see what I mean when you read it.

I hope you like your prezzie, Shannon. You are all kinds of splendid and deserve the happiest possible birthday! I hope you know what an amazing, generous, fabulous, special lady you are!

Title: Sometimes We Are Saved

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: FRT-13/PG-13

Word Count: 259

Summary: She's all he has left.

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: My LJ, my IJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This was written to celebrate the birthday of the unbelievably swell [info]shannon730

Sometimes We Are Saved )

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June 20th, 2007

05:06 pm - Drabble: Silent Resurrection (Willow, Spike) FRC/G
Happy Birthday, [info]lilbreck! Here's your drabble. It has Spike, Willow, and uncomfortable silence, just as you requested. Unfortunately, it refused to be shippy (unless you squint really hard). I do hope you like it anyway. It was written with lots of love and gratitude.

Title: Silent Resurrection

Author: Gabrielle

Characters: Spike, Willow

Rating: FRC/G

Word Count: 149

Summary: There's a price for forgiveness. *Takes place just after NFA*

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: Here, my LJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This is a birthday present for the uber tripendicular [info]lilbreck - my cherished friend, beta, and all-around go-to girl. What would I do without you, sweetie?

Silent Resurrection )

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05:37 pm - Drabbles: Scars (Willow/Spike), Mourning (Willow/Tara)
Fandom: BTVS
Title: Scars
Author: Shannon
Theme(s): Angst 20.scar
Pairing/Characters: Willow/Spike
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/claimer: Not mine, they belong to Joss Whedon, ME, UPN, FOX, WB
Summary: Not all scars can be seen.
Notes: Thanks to [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

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Fandom: BTVS
Title: Mourning
Author: Shannon
Theme(s): Angst 10 Grave
Pairing/Characters: Willow/Tara
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/claimer: Not mine, they belong to Joss Whedon, ME, UPN, FOX, WB
Summary: Willow visits Tara’s grave.
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