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The Beginning of the End [31 Jul 2009|02:24pm]

Who: Hera and Zeus
When: After his conversation with Hermes
Where: A field somewhere
Summary: Zeus goes to persuade Hera and it doesn't go to his plan. This is the beginning of the end as they know it....

Rating: PG

Status: Complete

On Bended Knee )
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Not good. Not good at all. [29 Jul 2009|07:07pm]

Who: Hermes and Zeus
When: After his conversation with Hera
Where: Olympus
Summary: Hermes delivers Hera's message
Rating: R for language

Status: Incomplete

Complications arose due to her being an irrational woman )
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Eat Hearty [29 Jul 2009|01:44pm]

Who: Ares and Aphrodite
When: not long after Hera leaves Zeus
Where: Olympus
What: Ares girds himself for war
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete

For Tonight You Dine In HELL! )
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Going to be a hard road [28 Jul 2009|09:11pm]

Who: Hermes and Hera
When: Long ago, in this galaxy
Where: The mortal realm
Summary: Hermes comes to deliver a message and hopefully his father's bride


Always the messenger, but that was his job )
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I have others as well [21 Jul 2009|12:35pm]

Who: Aphrodite and Poseidon
Where: Poseidon's temple
When: A long time ago
Summary: Aphrodite is out to prove that she has others beside Ares to give her attention
Rating: NC-17 ;)

She was the Goddess of Love for a reason )
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[17 Jul 2009|09:56am]

Who: Zeus, Hermes and Hera
When: Shortly after Hera leaves Zeus
Where: Ancient Greece and Olympus
What: Zeus sends Hermes for Hera and doesn't get the response he wants
Rating: PG13 (maybe?)

Pride goeth before the fall )
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[16 Jul 2009|10:03pm]

Who: Eris and Ares
When: Long Ago (after Hera leaves Zeus)
Where: Olympus
Summary: Eris, the goddess of Discord, is enjoying her parent's discord.
Rating: NC17

*singsong* I killed Sirius Black! )
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Hell Hath No Fury [16 Jul 2009|03:36pm]

Who: Hera (in disguise as a Mortal Maiden Fair) and Heracles. And later, Zeus :P
When: Long Ago
Where: Mycenea
Summary: Hera makes good on her threat
Rating: NC17

Like the Queen of the Gods Scorned )
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[15 Jul 2009|05:18pm]

Who: Ares OT All
Where: Mount Olympus
When: A long, long time ago, sometime during the Trojan War.
Summary: Ares returns to the loving bosom of his family.


Home is Where the Hearthstone Is. )
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Trouble is coming [04 Jul 2009|08:48am]

Who: Aphrodite and Ares
Where: Greece
When: Not long after Apollo's visit
Summary: A warning about trouble
Rating: Probably R


Love the one you're with )
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You can run... [03 Jul 2009|07:08pm]

Who: Moros and Ker
Where: Greece
When: A long while ago
Summary: A mortal tries to escape Moros. Moros and Ker hunt him down to show him that fate is inescapable.
Rating: NC17

But you can't hide )
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Unexpected...and unwanted visitor [03 Jul 2009|12:51pm]

Who: Aphrodite and Apollo
Where: Greece
When: A long while ago
Summary: You always want what you can't have
Rating: Possibly R


Look, but don't touch )
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[02 Jul 2009|10:33pm]

Who: Zeus and Hedone
When: A while ago
Where: Greece and Athens
Summary: Zeus seduces the personification of sex.
Rating: NC17

Having sex with Sex )
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Zeus Claims His Bride [02 Jul 2009|12:45pm]

Who: Zeus and Hera
When: A long, long time ago
Where: Mt. Titanos
Summary: Zeus comes to Hera as a hurt bird and she accepts him.
Rating: PG13

It was a dark and stormy night... )
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