Posts Tagged: 'demyx'

Nov. 22nd, 2009


Blazing sunlight, the stars are lamps [ATTN: Demyx]

in which Kaito is the only character who ever logs--

A large stuffed rabbit-shaped backpack sat beside Kaito on the couch as he waited for Demyx in the lounge, lightly singing to himself. He loved going outside whenever he had the chance, so of course he had already tossed a pack together and beat the sitar player to the portal area, absently ignoring Saix.

"Al a re la ye, al a re la yo~♫ Al a re la ya, al a re ya~~♬"

Despite whatever happened, he always managed to keep himself cheerful most of the time. He continued humming that verse to himself, tapping his boots together in between pauses. And hey, who wouldn't want to get away from what lingered of that smell Xig brought home with him?

Oct. 26th, 2009


There's a rumour goin' 'round the backside of town; Jack is out to get revenge. [Attn Demyx]

At the first flat knock on the door, Xigbar glanced up form his book curiously. By the time the second knock came, he had tossed his book on the bed, and had managed to make it across the room, opening the door before the third knock could land. Arching a brow at Demyx, he leaned against the door post, relaxed and unconcerned. Demyx looked angry, but that wasn't exactly a rare occurrence. Though he didn't usually come out with it, Xigbar knew he didn't care for most of the other members of the organization and somehow Xigbar had become the go-to-guy when Demyx felt like complaining. Probably cause he didn't snitch. "You look pissed, dude. Larxene giving you trouble again?"

just holding your friends and watching them bleed {attn: Kaito}

Demyx heard a soft sound from the bed when he pushed his door open and he paused, tensing, and peeked inside. His eyes widened when he saw it was Kaito, curled up in a tiny ball at the head of his bed, small and miserable. Demyx's eyes narrowed, and he took a step inside, his brow furrowing in worry.

"Kaito?" he said, his voice soft and hesitant. "Hey." He didn't turn the lights on as he walked across the room to the bed, not quite daring to touch him. "What's wrong?"
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Sep. 28th, 2009


forgotten by time, I wait for them [ATTN: Demyx + Xigbar]

Somehow he was going to win this. It didn't matter how long it took. But the other blue-haired man had been intent to give him a blankfaced staredown since he had entered the room and sat down on the couch, refusing even to put down his clipboard. Of course, Kaito had to silently accept the challenge.

He really wondered what Xigbar had wanted to talk to him about, though...

And maybe he could share snacks with Demyx again. He liked that person, too.

Oh. Staring at people is hard work, he finally realized. He began to pout at Saix instead of staring.

Sep. 24th, 2009


we will arise from the bunkers {attn: Xigbar}

Demyx's head was throbbing again by the time he got to Xigbar's rooms; using the Corridors was no fun, but he expected walking would be even worse.  He leaned his forehead against the cool stone of the doorjamb before he raised a hand to knock softly and tried to straighten, not wanting to look as three-quarters dead as he felt.  Xigbar opened the door and looked down at him, and he realized belatedly that he'd forgotten to clean the blood off of his face when he caught the expression on Xigbar's face. 

"Ah... hi," he said sheepishly, rubbing at the side of his cheek with his sleeve, careful not to pull at the cut.  "Um."
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Sep. 20th, 2009


Supermassive Black Hole [Attn: Demyx]

Saix opened up the portal in the lounge with a simple flick of his wrist, his hood already drawn up over his head to hide his face.

This mission should be nothing but straightforward. The dusks had come back, whispering of a giant heartless, lurking in Twilight Town. If it had been any other world than Twilight Town, Saix would have ignored it. With Kingdom Hearts sealed, there was no reason to hunt the heartless, apart from general training. However a Dark Follower in Twilight Town was still a little too close for comfort.

So far they had gone undetected by those of the light and Saix did not want any of them to come here, allowing them to be detected by accident. Thus, he had decided to take care of the Dark Follower himself. He would have preferred a more useful partner to bring along but pickings were slim, and Demyx, cowardly and whiny as he might be, still ranked above a hung-over, sleep-deprived Xigbar.

So he hoped, at least.

Sep. 14th, 2009


Far Side of the Sky [ATTN: Xigbar & Demyx]

White walls, white floors, and nearly eternal silence-- aside from the castle residents occasional chatter and/or the low hum of music. This place seemed kind of boring after awhile. Maybe having emotions and all that made it more of a pain to be here than it was for the Nobodies.

But! Master said they were going out somewhere. And with somebody else who knows about music things, too. This should be way better than sitting around playing with the computers for the short man.

He waited patiently in the center of Hall of Empty Melodies for the other two. Almost ironic with that name, as he sang to himself.