RDJ Made Me

all his fault and we like it

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Robert Downey Jr. Made Me....


June 26th, 2008

RDJ is actually Eleventh Doctor

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RDJ made me prove he is in fact Dr. Who.

With brain-meld of serabut. (In our usual parlance, acherly = actually.)

me: unless [RDJ] is actually the Doctor
in which case i buy [Mrs. Downey] as Companion
serabut: firely-verse companion?
me: hah
dr. who
serabut: but which sort?
now imagining susan going DOCTOR DOCTOR
rdj can acherly be a doctor-type all things considered. )

"He's just an incredibly unique individual."
- Susan Downey on Oprah

June 3rd, 2008

embrace your new ruler of hollywood

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RDJ made me prove he owns the May '08 box office. Check it here.

We went for variety rather than quickest links.
1. Sex and the City
Back in the day, RDJ and SJP were young, talented, and in lurve.

2. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
RDJ plays Calista's beau. Harrison Ford *is* Calista's beau.
(Also Shia played young RDJ in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.)

3. The Strangers
His cameo in The Incredible Hulk apparently good for Liv.

4. Iron Man

5. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Disney hired RDJ, proving he could carry Iron Man.

6 thru 10 )

There you have it. Proof that RDJ R00LZ. That's thirty minutes I'll never get back. Damn you RDJ! Must you pwn so!

May 26th, 2008

RDJ made me write a mod post

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RDJ made me write a contact post. Now I have to act like a mod, shit. So if you got it, hit me up for answers and concern-addressing. All comments are screened here.

The rules are out front.

This is probably not an all-ages community.

Since this is the internet, we have no way of knowing if RDJ actually compelled anyone to do anything — therefore we are not actually saying he said. Try not to go out of your way to do shit just to post it here. Especially bad shit. Not that anyone would do that on the internet.
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