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rated x

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[19 Apr 2018|12:07am]
check the journal!
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[19 Apr 2018|02:48am]
Who is ready for Asuka?
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[19 Apr 2018|02:08pm]
anything slash for jeremiah valeska? pre-laughing gas or post
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[19 Apr 2018|02:58pm]
slash lines for this diego barrueco pb? open to any age and have several ideas to jump off brainstorming
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[19 Apr 2018|03:20pm]
Seeking multiple story-line fulfillment, all in the journal.

Generally long-term writing with plot. Any interest? Comment here, or in the journal.
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[19 Apr 2018|05:14pm]
Lines for Big Sean? Be as crack as you'd like with people for him! I like odd pairings!
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[19 Apr 2018|07:38pm]
anyone up for a line that includes bestiality? looking to play f but it can be het, femme or even futa.
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[19 Apr 2018|07:57pm]
psl's for emilia clarke? looking for sweet kisses, lazy morning cuddles in bed and lots and lots (and lots) of teasing. ❤️
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[19 Apr 2018|08:13pm]
Pretty little Emilia Clarke for something sweet and sensual with plot? Long term only, please.
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[19 Apr 2018|08:45pm]
still looking for some royal lines. ideas in the journal!
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[19 Apr 2018|10:20pm]
Lines for this sweet-faced shedevil, pretty please?
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[19 Apr 2018|10:30pm]
can i have the boy next door she hooks up with, her best friend's older brother, or her older brother's best friend? comment in journal if interested.
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[19 Apr 2018|11:00pm]
[info]gardnermods an Adam Driver as this girl's Adonus, pretty please.
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[19 Apr 2018|11:07pm]
kink-heavy brother/sister or father/daughter? journals only, longterm, looking for the male.
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[ viewing | April 19th, 2018 ]
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