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rated x

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[16 Feb 2018|07:19am]
I'm currently looking for some largely lighthearted/fluffy/smutty one-shots. Check the journal for plots, lines, kink list and all that other good OOC info; contact me there if interested.
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[16 Feb 2018|12:13pm]
Lizzie, are you around? I'm ready to give you your birthday spanks.
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[16 Feb 2018|12:56pm]
Father-Daughter line? I'm looking to play the daughter. Open to brainstorming some plot or jumping into something.
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[16 Feb 2018|06:51pm]
Happy Friday.

Looking for a one shot for today, and possibly a longer-term slash line if we click that's kink heavy with some plot.

IC chat to start is fine with me, too.
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[16 Feb 2018|07:26pm]
[info]suggestives adds will be delayed a little bit tonight because we're seeing black panther 😍 so a little extra time for your apps! see you soon 😘
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[ viewing | February 16th, 2018 ]
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