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[09 Jan 2018|12:22am]
Would anyone be interested in figuring out a pairing or more using Star Wars related faces to take to [info]hadlowoffice? Open to (some) original trilogy faces, many prequel trilogy faces and most faces from Rogue One or the two more recent movies. Open to het, slash or femme (no particular order preference at all), and various and sundry combinations for a mixed trios/moresome.
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[09 Jan 2018|03:51am]
[info]hadlowoffice is this game still living? :(
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[09 Jan 2018|04:25am]
a mark jefferson for my of age blackwell photography major. dark themes required, not the wishywashy clean shit.
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[09 Jan 2018|08:10am]
more dirty boys & gorgeous dudes to [info]rattlesnake cause it's lit.
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[09 Jan 2018|10:09am]
think i lost my slp so something for this young vet? slash preferred. face is jeremy allen white.
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[09 Jan 2018|02:47pm]
chris evans for drama
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[09 Jan 2018|03:59pm]
slash lines for this dustin mcneer pb? open to ideas and even have a few in mind
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[09 Jan 2018|05:21pm]
Ian or any of her Twilight co-stars? I also wouldn’t mind Nina for some drama/hate sex. Not into politics so please don’t ask.
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[09 Jan 2018|08:25pm]
Any women for Nathan Prescott from Life is Strange? Would also play Warren, Hayden, Drew North, Elliot or any of the other male students!

Or Frank Bowers against Rachel Amber and expand that relationship some!
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[09 Jan 2018|08:27pm]
Primarily a slash writer looking for some Stranger Things lines, but will consider OC/crossovers if the idea is good enough. Billy may also be good for some het, again, if it's good enough. But he might not be nice about it. He's a bit of a problem child.
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[09 Jan 2018|09:08pm]
A Bobby Roode to roughly fuck this princess. Bonus if he doesn't mind being called daddy.
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[09 Jan 2018|09:13pm]
[info]seduces i'm gonna need oscar isaac, norman reedus, gal gadot and charlize theron over here, so i can go down on all of them.
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[09 Jan 2018|09:39pm]
Something for Antonio? Maybe a model or something? Het only!
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[09 Jan 2018|09:50pm]
A more submissive, possibly younger boyfriend or fiancé who enjoys that she's in charge.
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