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rated x

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[13 Jun 2017|10:11am]
looking for a psl. maybe something based off lulu/anthony relationship on crashing with a little more sneaking around.
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[13 Jun 2017|10:31am]
[info]allusive tom hiddleston and aaron taylor-johnson would make my life!! also rdj, mark ruffalo, jeremy renner, scarlett johansson, other marvel people, and my sisters! and lbr anyone else who wants to be friends
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[13 Jun 2017|11:14am]
[info]kin Looking for her mother for something specific. Also sought by her father and siblings.
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[13 Jun 2017|12:18pm]
Would anyone be interested in a Trailer Park/redneck type gpsl? Something set in a small town where everyone grows up knowing everyone? It would be darker themed for sure, but ultimately be about a group of flawed characters living side by side with each other.
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[13 Jun 2017|03:13pm]
yes or no [info]allusive ??
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[13 Jun 2017|06:08pm]
Co-stars, current or former WWE women, Youtubers, you know, whoever wants to go one on one with the greatest entertainer this world or any other has ever seen.
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[13 Jun 2017|07:27pm]
something het or slash for a froy gutierrez pb?
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[13 Jun 2017|07:36pm]
[info]allusive people to love on. that is all.
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[13 Jun 2017|08:47pm]
[info]allusive wants you!
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[13 Jun 2017|09:02pm]
I'm still looking for my character's parents over at [info]kin. Lauren is one of the family members that is more private regarding her relationship with other family members but I'm willing to discuss her having sexual contact with either parent whether it's fully consensual or not.
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[13 Jun 2017|09:11pm]
Looking for her dad over at [info]kin! She has a twin sister and a mom already in play, and the family has plenty of opportunity for plot of all kinds. ♥
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[13 Jun 2017|09:20pm]
Line suggestions on journal - het, scarce limits!
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[13 Jun 2017|09:28pm]
Is there a hope in hell I could get a Winona Ryder PB for him?
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[13 Jun 2017|10:21pm]
dirty customs or scenes for barbara?
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[13 Jun 2017|10:40pm]
looking for a couple of slash psls for my taron here. he's got quite the daddy kink so the older the man, the better!
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[ viewing | June 13th, 2017 ]
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